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Posted On: 11/22/2014 at 09:34 PM |
So I am fairly new to site in general, but I was so pumped when I saw the "Leaderboards" section of the forum, 'cause... you know... competition >:]
When you look at the "Commanders" tab you see:
-"All-Time Top 10 PPT"
-"Monthly Top 10 PPT"
-"Weekly Top 10 PPT"
Which is an awesome way to split it, it shows who has been at this for a while and what commanders are working currently.
However, when I clicked the "Participants" tab, I was so let down:
-"All-time Top 10 PPT"
-"All-time Top 10 Dedicated"
-"All-time Top 10 Participant"
What the hell is this?? The same guy is in the top spot for all 3...? And why are they all showing the "All-time.." stats? What happened to the cool split of "All-time", "Monthly", and "Weekly"?
I might be saying this for the wrong reasons and I get that I'm the new guy... But I was hoping that getting a high-score (at least for a "weekly" board) would have been possible. Some of these people have been in WvW LONGER THAN I'VE HAD MY CHARACTER.
Not much competition to be had, eh? Anyway, I think it'd be really awesome if we had:
-a Monthly & Weekly "Top 10 Participant",
-a Monthly & Weekly "Top 10 Dedicated",
-and a Monthly & Weekly "Top 10 Participant" board
I get that some people might not care (commanders would never even notice or care about it), but it gives me goals and something visual to show where I'm at or what quota to fill.
Leo Kraum, the sneaky, super thief that sometimes likes to mess around and not take anything seriously.
Founder and Guild Leader, Legion of the Mistfire Blade [MIST]