Feathers Free lancers
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Feathers Free lancers


Commander Greyfeathers.8175
   Member of Perfectionists Cult

Posted On: 03/08/2015 at 09:28 PM

I would like to apologize for not making the W vs W event this evening which I had planned. I shoot competition archery locally and at the state and national level. Today I had a scheduled shoot which I should have been back from in time but unforeseen things happened today which derailed my plans for some Guild Wars II relaxation this evening. I am not one to make plans and not follow through with them so again I'm sorry for not being able to lead the event tonight.

Some FYI about myself

I shoot in what is called the PCBH class ( Physically Challenged Bow hunter Class ). This class consists of people who are disabled and unable to shoot in other classes because of their disability. This ranges from folks who are wheel chair bound, amputees, those who need special equipment to shoot and many other reasons. I have become very much involved these last few years in helping these individuals and there are times when things don't quite go as we planned. It is however a very rewarding experience and opportunity for those who would otherwise not be able to attend events at these levels. Since I travel to other states and most of these shoots and events are on weekends this is the reason why I have to schedule my gaming time as I have opportunities. Guild Wars II is my escape from the real world.

There is nothing more rewarding then seeing someone accomplish a state or national level goal when it was once something they thought was out of reach.






Member Response:


Commander Aoibheann.7348
   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 03/09/2015 at 10:08 AM

Sorry you didn't make it out, but that is a wonderful reason for your absence.

SOOOOO, how did you do with the competition? Inquiring minds want to know :-)


Commander Greyfeathers.8175
   Member of Perfectionists Cult

Replied On: 03/09/2015 at 04:03 PM

The guys in the chairs kicked my butt again. I ended up in third place for the first leg of this tournament and we have three more shoots before it ends at the State Championship. The gentlemen who took first place is a friend of mine and he is paralyzed from the waist down. The fact he is in a chair doesn't hamper his ability to shoot. I told him once he got going he would kick my butt and now he likes making sure he can do that :)

The guys in the chairs like to call those of us that can still walk TABS ( temporary able bodies ). Its a long running joke with the Wheelin Team since nobody knows when and if something will take that ability away from us.

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