A Bridge Too Far - 2015.5.13
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A Bridge Too Far - 2015.5.13


   Member of Knights Of Nefarious Greatness

Posted On: 05/14/2015 at 10:47 PM



In-Game and SoR: Redux.7239
TS3 Username: Corvus ???
Call Me: Corvus ... as in crows, ravens and jackdaws


Member Response:


   Member of Blood of the Martyr

Replied On: 05/15/2015 at 08:06 AM

OMG lol. How embarrassing! I was thinking...what would Fog say? 'Contest if you can, dance around!'
A yah...that's what we were doing.  ;P




Replied On: 05/15/2015 at 11:04 AM

A lesson in how to die quickly! :)


   Member of Knights Of Nefarious Greatness

Replied On: 05/16/2015 at 03:29 PM

Thanks for the opening MB*!


The video is actually 54 seconds jam-packed with lessons ...


Being a support warrior, it is my job to:

- be on the commander as close as possible

- follow every command to the best of my ability (without hesitation)

- blast for healing and might

- provide healing support and condition removal

- spread some destruction along the way


In the video I failed in almost all of my objectives.


The Commander had ordered a push across the bridge and to the left. Even though I was third to the bridge I was not close enough. Yes, I messed up getting onto the ramp and I hit stability too late (I no longer have the reaction time of a teenager) to make a difference but even with that I almost made the corner ... but I was not CLOSE ENOUGH. Even though my warrior has a lot of armor and health, it needs support to survive. That support comes mainly from guardians and the commander (usually a guardian). But even then, a warrior and guardian are not enough without the rest of the zerg with them. I died following the commander but in doing so I was hoping divert enough attention so that others could get through.


A Zerg is not a Zerg without everyone being there. Look at the mini-map in the video, We were not a Zerg. The commander is faster than a speeding bullet at times but I know I have to do a better job at keeping up.


Anyway, I am enjoying WvW and I hope to get better at it.


* MBparis and I go back a long ways ... well before GW1. We were part of TOG and then Blood of the Martyr when it split off. I am not a PvPer but did some GvG in GW1. My WvW is still in a learning phase. MB kids me about jumping into a fight and dying, leaving him to heal me up ... Something that has been going on from the beginning of GW1. That is not likely to change but I am trying to at least do it while trying to keep up with the commander.

In-Game and SoR: Redux.7239
TS3 Username: Corvus ???
Call Me: Corvus ... as in crows, ravens and jackdaws


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/17/2015 at 11:06 AM

loved the video!

-Greenstone "Big Green Guy" / Richard Ryder "The Crimson Nutcase" / Viridis Caedo " Green Death" / Walla Quilcai Tuta "Necro Inka"

"Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal"

"In Hood We Trust"

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