WvW Community Guild
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WvW Community Guild


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Posted On: 03/04/2014 at 11:23 PM

Hey everyone,

Buckeyecro and I were talking a little bit in-game, and I proposed an idea to him that I thought may benefit our community for WvW organization. He reaffirmed to me that it could be a very useful tool.

I am considering creating a SoR Community Guild open to all SoR commanders and players.  The purpose of this guild would be as follows:

  • Master roster of WvW Commanders and players for coordination and mass-messaging when we need support in a BL or EB
  • Easy way for players to see what commander is in what map in order to support there
  • Easy way for Commanders to build a group off when first coming onto a map
  • in-guild communication between Borderlands and EB as needed by tagging the community guild
  • Community location for war chest, accessible to validated senior commanders, of course.
  • Commanders will be the officers


This puts the power of the server coordination and organization into the hands of all participating commanders and allows all SoR residents that wish to join and participate be accessible to each other and the commanders for WvW coordination.  What do you all think?  Comments and criticism?

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Member Response:


   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 03/04/2014 at 11:54 PM

This is actually I was thinking to do when I open up my guild, and I remember I mention something similar somewhere.

However, we need to think of the structures and how we run the guild.

Basically, for my guild, i am thinking everyone has the same permission, a bit lower than guild leader of course in case of anything.  They can recruit, use guild bank, activate upgrades, claim..etc. I mostly trust ppl to make good use of it when they need it, and it is indeed everyone's effort to make the guild running well and improve.  This has been successful when I have a group of friends I consider family. Not too sure if that works on the whole SOR.

The guild you mentioned to build is more like name list for now (as well as mine).  The key is we need everyone it in on the same page, which means: how hard we are willing to try, how hardcore we will be, what are the ground rules, repping issues..etc. (This is why I usually talk a lot with ppl when I really recruit). This is because it never works out if we have pvx and wvw hardcore ppl together.  If we have both together, it only dmg the guild and server.

As for the communication, c com we used on old ts is great. Can we have it now?

And last, what is war chest?

It must be amazing all ppl in wvw with the same guild tag. I can't help to imagine what is the look on ppl from other servers when they see it.

» Edited on: 2014-03-05 00:00:39


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 03/05/2014 at 01:30 AM

It would definitely confuse the heck out of our opponents. I think a problem you may run into is the guild system itself in GW2, with the limit of 500 members.  If you ran it similarly to how Gaiscioch does with [SORC] for the community events, and cleared out the roster once on a regular basis. People could ask for a re-invite when they headed back into WvW and you could keep under 500 for the most part, or it may even take us a while to reach that number. That system does take quite a bit management, just ask any GSCH elder, hehe.

I believe in this case the war chest he is referring to is the guild bank, as a well as the money and marterials to get the guild up and running and purchasing various guild amenities.  In most cases, a war chest is money and materials put aside by a group to wage war. Basically, a treasure chest for battle. :)

User submitted image


   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 03/05/2014 at 02:20 AM

And within this guild, if we have it, it is still better to have specific raid time, and decide how many days to raid in wvw, and which days for relax.  Pulling long hr in wvw doesn't work out well.  And also I know some pve or pvx guilds require 100% repping, which will cause problem for ppl to join this guild. People either give up their original guilds, or this guild provide some pve activities.

Friday all day is the most suitable day for relax, as we couldn't do much before reset. During Friday, we need to do some preparation.  We need to flip sieges in JP, look for volunteers to help craft superior sieges, some activity to make gold for ppl who help on upgrads, trainings..etc

Also this would risk the split of this guild or SOR server as a whole when we have fights/disagreements between pvx and wvw hardcore ppl. We need to assume it surely will happen.  For example, we need ppl to defend or more ppl to run on the field, and ask for help in guild chat. However, all you see is like "anyone doing dungeons".  Then ppl won't be happy, which leads fights. Thus, we need some plans to deal with that. I'd suggest to use 2 ranks to divide ppl with differennt play style (move pve/move wvw).  When we need more help, we ask from wvw section.  Also, we would put more request on wvw section too.

Pretty much I am a peace person, but do feel frustrated if not getting support.  So, any other better idea to deal with the issue?



Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 03/05/2014 at 04:41 AM

I think you are confusing what I am posting, Wayne.  I am NOT suggesting creating a guild that has raid times, rules, etc etc etc.  I am suggesting creating a community roster.  Everyone that has a guild stays with their own guild.  This is a SECONDARY "guild" more used as a resources for finding WvW players and knowing commander locations and facilitating communication between the two when absolutely necessary.  For example, lets say our BL garrison is under attack. The commander or a member that is helping him can just go down the list of anyone on the roster that is shown as online (and most likely actively playing with their other main guild) and send them a message requesting assistance in defending the garrison.  Or, it is a good way for members to message a commander and say "hey, there is a group of us in SBI BL with no leadership...you interested in leading us?"  Those are just two examples.  It brings the community together.  

I am NOT talking about a guild with rep requirement, rules, raid times, etc. This is a way to close the gap of communication and coordination amongst each other, to build SERVER LOYALTY, not guild loyalty.


Wayne, I think what you are referring to is more of just creating a WvW guild...like all the rest of the WvW guilds.  That is needed as well, but these two things are mutually exclusive.

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander limetwyst.7039
   Member of Blood of the Martyr

Replied On: 03/05/2014 at 07:16 PM

Yep, I understand what you're saying: non-rep guild, used mostly as a contact list so you can easily whisper WvW players/commanders and coordinate.

GW siggy photo GW siggy.png


   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 03/05/2014 at 07:47 PM

haha, sorry about confusion.  I am actually doing this, although in a smaller time zone. I am inviting ppl who like to wvw more into my guild and give everyone the same permission (quite a lot), but that is in late SEA time only as I play limited time.  We actually start some training this week. We practice routing, following, fights in pvp mist and pvp dueling room.  Quite nice so far.  If you see us in game or ts, welcome to join us!  (I have been staying up late to 3am -->  so sleepy in work  :P





Commander buckeyecro.9614

Replied On: 03/06/2014 at 01:29 PM


Its planned to be a contact list of sorts so we can easily find each other and pool together resources. This could change over time, but having major requirements (EX: rep reqs, build reqs, raid time reqs, etc) would really be counter to our planned intentions. We enjoy many other parts of the game and are involved in other communities, so the last thing we want to do is break apart current communities.

In order to facilitate a better rebuilding process we need to cooperate with each other, and this guild could be a great starting point if enough people are interested. Its another tool we can use to stay in touch with each other while IN GAME.



Replied On: 03/06/2014 at 07:56 PM

Glad to hear that many of us are on the same page. And speaking of which, we've had a decent group running on SoR bl the other night [around 6am - 9am server time], led by Soarie. We've had some good fights - we won some, we lost some - but overall I can see that even without TS, we have people communicating on map chat. That is already a good start and a first step to pulling people together for WvW.

The idea of having a WvW community guild is an excellent idea. Just look at how TTS started out as a platform for different guilds to come together, something similar could work out for WvW. What we need is a driver to push this idea through. I have recently been invited to Legendary Vic's guild [ZërO] and so far it has been a positive experience for me!

Eilrahc (Mesmer) | Hier Kinslayer (Warrior) | Thanatos Terrae (Necro) | Bag Full Of Kittens (Engi)


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 03/06/2014 at 08:10 PM

I am going to give it a few more days for feedback from more people.  If we continue to receive the feedback that we have thus far, I will create a Community Guild with a name that is representative of Sanctum of Rall and our community. Please encourage your guild members and your friends to post feedback, as I am truly looking for a variety of people to comment with their thoughts.  I do not want to create something that is not going to catch on, as that would be a waste of efforts.

Especially, I would like to hear feedback from other commanders, too.  This would be a great resource for them.

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Sess.2785

Replied On: 03/07/2014 at 07:01 AM

Xivor -  I really like the idea of a non-rep community guild as a contact list.  Sign me up as a player.  :)



Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 03/07/2014 at 04:58 PM

Guild is created by Hadekittenman called Sanctum of Rall [SOCC] Javachips and is called What Would Rall Do [WWRD].  How it will be managed and controlled in regards to the war chest and ranks is still under discussion.  Message Javachips or myself in-game for access.

» Edited on: 2014-03-09 22:25:41

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 03/07/2014 at 09:44 PM

Is Hadekittenman a toon name?


Commander Dharkon.6481

Replied On: 03/07/2014 at 10:30 PM

the filter is eating a non-existant bad word.  Ill try.  Hades-hitman  the - is a space

» Edited on: 2014-03-07 22:31:45



Commander Mistress Collisto.1546

Replied On: 03/08/2014 at 12:51 PM

Mistress Collisto would enjoy an invite so I can keep my members [EVIL] informed and everyone active in WvW has a way to get a hold of me. 


Mistress Collisto|Molly Oakenheart|Lena Andersdotter|Heather Jones
Guild Leader of [JADE] www.Immortalizedin.enjin.com

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