By: |
Mistress Collisto.1546
Posted On: 02/26/2017 at 02:55 AM |
Mistress Collisto here to inform our community that EVIL is no more. We have not dissolved or transferred, we are updating and adapting to some changes. I hinted about this in a post that Fog made on Facebook. Due to the matter that this was a guild issue we did not share to much prior and we did not know how well ANet would take to the changes. We have allowed the guild members to come up with there own name and tag and the GMs have agreed to make these adjustments. Our guild members are fully behind this change and we are still here in support of SoR.
We have gone from "Devilz Prayer" [EVIL] to "Immortalized In" [JADE] Same people, new name and tag, soon to be a new emblem :)
I will be deleting the Devilz Prayer guild on this websites roster and making a new one to represent our new leadership roles and active roster.
If anyone should ask about what happened to EVIL or who this new [JADE] guild is, you will all know the answer and can pass it on.
» Edited on: 2017-02-26 03:24:36
» Edited on: 2017-02-26 03:25:08
Mistress Collisto|Molly Oakenheart|Lena Andersdotter|Heather Jones
Guild Leader of [JADE]