SL 6 - 0 BAT
Electatus Guardian POV: Have to skip to the beginning of each round.
Iciclebar Warrior POV:
We have a lot of things we can improve on (those stealth blasts) and things we have yet to incorporate, but overall we're satisfied with our performance! Thanks to Electatus and Icicle for recording the fights.
We're recruiting! Active PvX guild recruiting skilled players for organized WvW and competitive GvG. Whisper for information or visit
- Tau
» Edited on: 2015-03-23 18:19:44
By: |
Member of Ecto Nightmare |
Replied On: 03/27/2015 at 02:57 PM
Thise is from another gw2 wvw forum. Figure some might want in on this. I'm available to be a ringer if you're in a pinch. I don't suck, and would love get involved, but ecto doesn't quite have the wvw presence in evenings for's the post...
Good Morning Tier 6!
Myself and some guilds from across the bottom tier servers have created a list to facilitate easier GvG match-making during the week, occasional tournament events (more on that below), and even scrims with higher tiers via EotM. If GvG is something your guild currently does, is interested in trying, or even would just want to spectate, please get in touch with us (10v10 format and above)! We’re also looking for motivated individuals to join us behind the scenes to organize, put on events, record, commentate, publicize, etc.!
Many guilds have already registered their contact info on our community spreadsheet and used that info to schedule GvGs and scrims. If you or your guild would like to get involved - simply request access to the linked spreadsheet, comment below, or message me privately in-game (adrielle.2109) and I'll set you up. (As a side note, we do ask that the guilds who are already registered please make sure you keep the contacts up-to-date and provide as much information about your upcoming GvGs as possible.)
Now, I believe we're finally ready to gauge the interest in holding a Bottom-feeder League Spring GvG Invitational - a bracket style tournament event allowing same-server guilds to fight each other, determine a winner, and then send finalists to fight cross-server and compete for The Best in Bronze title. The details so far:
Week of April 18th through 24th, 2015 - Same server guilds will compete 10v10 in a private PvP arena (if you do not have access to your own, one will be provided) to determine a "Server Finalist". Rounds will be best 2 out of 3.
Weeks of April 25th through May 8th, 2015 - "Server Finalists" will compete against each other in either Obsidian Sanctum or Edge of the Mists depending on matchup and Eotm color to determine "The Best in Bronze". Rounds will be best 2 out of 3. 10v10 or 15v15 to be decided upon by the particular guilds fighting.
More details will be provided upon confirmation that there is enough interest to organize it. Tournament is eligible to the 8 lowest ranked servers at the time of tournament. We are predicting that this will still be Borlis Pass, Devona's Rest, Sorrow's Furnace, Eredon Terrace, Ferguson's Crossing, Kaineng, Gate of Madness, and Anvil Rock. So, if this sounds like something you'd be interested in attending, participating in, donating prizes, streaming, commentating, publicizing, or just generally being involved with - please get in contact with us by replying here or in-game (adrielle.2109) or (adrielle.4307)
Hoping to hear from some of you so that we may continue to build a respectable and thriving GvG community here on the lower tiers!
<3 Zeeb Rah
*Xeero Cool-Mez,Admiral Wiggin-Engi,Arya Sinfelle-Teef,Dirtyfilthyrotten-Necro,Ender Tha Xenocide-Rev