HoT beta, are you jelly?
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HoT beta, are you jelly?


Commander synosius.9876
   Member of Seriously Over Rated

Posted On: 03/24/2015 at 10:26 AM

12pm pst

» Edited on: 2015-03-24 10:28:34


Member Response:


Commander Mistress Collisto.1546

Replied On: 03/24/2015 at 10:41 AM

 I got an invite, unfortunately I have to work through all of this, hope you all have things to share after today.

Mistress Collisto|Molly Oakenheart|Lena Andersdotter|Heather Jones
Guild Leader of [JADE]


Commander jdjitsu.7895
   Member of Ecto Nightmare

Replied On: 03/25/2015 at 06:52 AM  Familiar person in this SS...

*Xeero Cool-Mez,Admiral Wiggin-Engi,Arya Sinfelle-Teef,Dirtyfilthyrotten-Necro,Ender Tha Xenocide-Rev


Commander synosius.9876
   Member of Seriously Over Rated

Replied On: 03/25/2015 at 08:48 AM

Beta review:  I believe this was the same demo they showed on rdy up and at pax.  there was no class specializations, the jumping mastery didnt work.  The glider worked but there wasnt much room to use it.

The rev had the same 3 trait lines we saw before and only 3 utility.  reading over the traits it seems they want the rev to be an anti condi, anti ranger machine while dispensing stabos to everyone.  im unsure of the dmg potential cause the demo is incomplete but the hamme AA wakittenting the dragon for a decent amount.  Seems like they want slow but big hits.  

If the rev is designed as a counter class there wasnt much to use their abilities on in the demo.  it was mostly just a mob grind so hard to get a real feel for how it all fits together.





Commander Greyfeathers.8175
   Member of Perfectionists Cult

Replied On: 03/25/2015 at 03:34 PM

The 2 hours I played I couldn't really get into the Rev at all. For those who enjoy casters and such it may be something they might enjoy but I doubt you'll see me roll one when I get the expansion. The look of the map we played on was awesome though, kind of reminded me of EOTM for P vs E, I would have loved to have seen what the entire area looks like. They never disappoint with the graphics.


Commander jdjitsu.7895
   Member of Ecto Nightmare

Replied On: 03/26/2015 at 03:23 PM

Thx for the reviews. Id rather get a true game review from ppl I know, especially the ones who tell it like it is, not a shill, fanboy or Dev one. 

Ppl seem to not like the idea of this new wvw map, but it seems like it will open up some new tactics we havent used or seen yet. Might have to start running with bomb kit for B.O. Bomb and turret KBs, and necro spectral walls for some good ole mass cliff kills. Seems there will be lots of spots in the new map like the cliff directly behind NW tower in BLs. Made for knocking ppl off. 

*Xeero Cool-Mez,Admiral Wiggin-Engi,Arya Sinfelle-Teef,Dirtyfilthyrotten-Necro,Ender Tha Xenocide-Rev


Commander SylverMeadow.1457
   Member of Devilz Prayer

Replied On: 03/26/2015 at 06:24 PM

As for the jumping, it did in fact work. You can't expect to use it if you don't put a mastery point into that line followed by earning enough experience while it is active in order to be able to use it.  You couldn't do a lot of exploring, however, I had no trouble finding space where I was running low on glider endurance before running out of map space.

While yes we were given only 3 trait lines to view, there were 6 utilities, not 3.  Both the Demon Stance and the Dwarven Stance had some nice utilities, healing, and elite abilities that leave open many possibilities when the class if fully implemented. 

There wasn't a good opportunity to shine given the small amount of content, but the mace and axe combo looks like it might have a lot of potential for an anti-thief build.  I know I had fun familiarizing myself with that weapon set on the clusters of the little pocket raptors and smoke scale running around below the Mordrem event area.

All said, the new class isn't complete yet.  It has the potential to e a lot of different things.  Until we get a finished version we can't fully judge it.   The defiance bar made it easy to see when we needed to interrupt the Wyvren to keep it on the ground.  Being able to familiarize with how the mastery points and experience earned towards them was nice to.

What people are forgetting here is the Beta was not really for us as players, but for Arena Net.  It was for them to do stress tests and fix issues.  That is really what the point of this beta was, in addition to a nice opportunity for us to get a glance of what is yet to come. 




» Edited on: 2015-03-26 18:37:14

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