Fractals of the Mist Info
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Fractals of the Mist Info


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Posted On: 12/13/2012 at 02:55 PM

For those of you who haven't tried the fractals yet let me give you a bit of information.

The dungeon itself is located in Lion's Arch and can be seen on the map as a door.

The dungeon is infinite. Difficulty goes up the higher the level of dungeon you are on. Drop rates go up and better loot is available at higher levels. Higher levels become doable with higer Agony Resistance.

To move to the next level (ex lvl 1 to lvl2) you have to complete the previous level. (ie you need to finish lvl 4 to go to lvl 5).

The highest level a group can enter is the highest persons max dungeon level. Example, If person one can go in to up to lvl 5 and person two can go in up to lvl 10, in a party together they can only do lvl 10 and below.

Every fractal will consist of 3 fractals pulled randomly from the list and a Boss fractal

Every set of 10 fractals is considered a Tier. (Ex. 1-10 is Tier 1 and 11-20 is Tier 2).

The first time you complete a Boss Fractal every day, you will be presented with a daily chest. The chest can be claimed once per Tier and in higher Tiers it can grant you Ascended Rings. This also means you can get multiple daily chests (one for each Tier).

During the Fractals run, there are no waypoints. If a character dies, he must be resurrected by his party members. With the lack of waypoints come checkpoints. If your entire party is killed, you will be respawned at the last passed checkpoint. Only one person in the party needs to reach the checkpoint for the party to respawn there.  If one person dies, he can checkpoint assuming everone else is out of combat.

That's it for the most part. I will go into detail about some of the different fractals in replies.

New with the 1/28/13 patch:

You can now enter fractals up to the highest level of your party instead.  Rewards will always be of your level if you scale up.  If you scale down you will also be rewarded with karma. 

» Edited on: 2013-01-29 09:59:04

Fractured Release:

I will try to update this as time allows.

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:01:09

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:46:17

» Edited on: 2013-12-17 09:57:53

Free of Fate


Member Response:


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:56 PM

Agony and Agony Resistance

Agony is a mechanic that is unique to the Fractals of the Mists. Agony starts to occur on bosses starting on level 10 of the fractals. The particle effects for agony are a purplish effect that will appear around the player.

Agony is not affected by toughness or any other defensive stats. The only defense against it is a new stat that was introduced along with the dungeon. Agony Resistance.

Agony resistance can be attained by using the new ascended items that are available through FotM which include rings and back pieces and it will reduce the damage done to you by these attacks which, in turn, increases your odds of surviving the attack.

The new items will come with an infusion slot in which you can install agony resistance and the better items will even come with some agony resistance built in.

Starting at level 10 of the fractals, there is a chance that you can get an ascended ring after your first run of an even numbered fractal and defeating a boss fractal (generally referred to as your daily). The first daily in each tier grants a Pristine Relic. Ten Pristine Relics can be traded in for an ascended ring.

The back pieces can be obtained from the mystic forge. Check the wiki or for more info on obtaining these.

With the Fractured Release AR infusions now drop and can be combined together to create higher levels of Agony Resistance.

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:05:09

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:56 PM


I started with this one as it can be the most frustrating for a group. The event requires you to deliver 3 Wisps to their posts within the specified time AT THE SAME TIME. This means you will need to split your party into three groups or teams and one will need to be solo. The time starts as soon as one player removes a wisp so this means its best to time the initial grab so all players can get the wisp back in time.

This in itself sounds easy but can be difficult with a new group. Traps are everywhere. Speed boosts are pretty much mandatory and to top it off there are mobs and walls that appear in your way. One particular location requires someone to pull away a champ while another makes the grab.

Here are the biggest tips I can give you:
JUMP. Jump constantly while running. This will help you miss a ton of barbed wire traps that trip you up. Also, the walls that pop up can permanently block you from moving forward. BUT, you CAN jump over MOST of them. look to the side of where the wall appeared and you can usually climb over them.

After you get all 3 wisps to their places a door opens to a boss fight.

There are 2 potential bosses here: Mossman or Bloomhunger.

For Bloomhunger, just be sure to kill the adds when they show up as they heal the boss and watch for aoe.

For Mossman, the only thing you should be worried about is when he stealths. As soon as he comes out of stealth he will be charging for a massive attack. Be sure to dodge.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 09:31:26

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:57 PM


I like this one as I think its fun. Its starts off with you fighting a boss guy with a hammer. After you kill him, he drops the hammer. You need that hammer to finish the mission. Only problem is it is cursed. As someone carries the hammer they get stacks of a condition which at around level 30 will dizzy you and at 40 you will get downed and drop the hammer.

Because of this, you will need to drop the hammer periodically and it will need to be picked up by a party member.

The goal of this mission is to free the captured colossus by destroying the seals placed on him by the cult. The hammer is used to break the seals using the skill in slot 4 which only becomes available after killing an enemy. If you do not cause damage to the seals quick enough, they will regenerate. As you finish off the first set of seals, you will need to climb upward. The second seal will have fire aoe all around it. There is a spot across from the seal near the edge that is safe to stand at. There is also another spot that is within reach of the seal that is opposite of the other spot (closest to the collosus). You need to be in the exact right spot to avoid damage by the fire. Its best to gather there and only run in when the hammer 4 skill is available.

The next set of stairs consists of air traps that will shoot you off the side. Move slowly and position yourself between the streams.

Eventually as you move up, you will need to free his arms simultaneously. After doing damage to one seal, you will need to run to the other arm and work on the seal there. You will have to move back and forth until one or both are destroyed. In higher level fractals, it is better to keep at least one of the original cultists from being killed to prevent the infinite respawn of adds there that heal the seals.

Start moving toward the top again. On the side, there is another set of traps that shoot fire from the ground. The fire is only on the ramp ups. Move like you are following the fire and you will be fine.

The last seal is guarded by the hammer guy again who steals the hammer back from you. After you do enough damage to him, he will become dizzy and drop the hammer. Kill a mob and use the hammer. Just wear the boss down and repeat hitting the seal when he drops the hammer. At level 10, when he the boss puts the hammer down, roll away as he is about to do an agony attack.

After breaking the seal, the colossus is freed and will bow to you. If you do the /bow emote, you will get an achievement.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 09:37:50

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:10:47

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:57 PM


This one starts off with you killing krait and then freeing captives. The krait must all be dead in a group before freeing the captive. After freeing the three captives, you will be told to move to the marker on your map. From here, the fractal will take you in one of two paths.

Path 1: Dolphin Time!

In this one, you will need to avoid the krait as you make your way to the boss. You have no attack skills as a dolphin but you are granted evasion type skills to help you detect and avoid the krait. Using the first skill will reveal hidden krait. There are also skills to leave a decoy for the krait to attack instead of you, a speed boost and a revive to revive your fellow dolphins. All I have to say is good luck on this one... I'm a pretty horrible dolphin.

Path 2: Deep Sea Diving!

This can be a pain. The goal of this one is to follow the trail of anemonae on the floor and make it to the end. The big glowing anemonae will protect you from the ravenous pests in the darkness. The big anemonae can also give you an item to instantly revive dead team mates. This item will go away after awhile but will provide protection for you (and allies) from the darkness while it is still around

So basically the goal of this one is to move between the big anemonae so that you can heal in between. I suggest looking for the next anemonae and throwing a target on it for the other party members. Also, try to move together so you can rez each other and kill krait. Switftness is a must and don't try to take a shortcut as you can die quick in the dark water and the krait will use skills to prohibit movement. Only one person needs to make it to the end to trigger the checkpoint. If that one person passes the checkpoint, a team suicide will rez everyone at the checkpoint.

Last is the boss fight. He's pretty easy. You can choose to kill the adds as they show up (as they can become annoying) or just continually swim to avoid their attacks. Also, if you pull the boss into a cage that is glowing with electricity it will damage the boss heavily allowing you to kill him quicker.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 09:43:58

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:58 PM


This fractal uses a debuff called frostbite that causes increasing damage to you as it stacks. It stacks due to prolonged exposure to the cold weather. The counter to it is a buff that is granted to you by being within range of a fire. The fire buff stacks as well and counteracts frostbite. The best way to think about it is it being a scale from frostbite-normal-fire buff.

With that out of the way, you start off in a room and need to venture down a cliff, be sure to light the fires along the way using the torches you find on the ground. It would be a good idea to stand by the fire for a few seconds to build up your resistance to frostbite. Run from fire pit to fire pit until you reach the bottom.

When you reach the bottom, the goal is to keep the big bonfire lit up while the Sons of Svanir attack you. The easiest way to do this is to designate one person to keeping the fire lit while the others fend of the Sons of Svanir. By keeping the fire lit, you are slowly melting the ice wall. Your progess can be seen in the meter at the upper right. After the meter is filled, all people should retreat southward where a boss awaits you. It might be a good idea to bring torches with you as you will need them.

The boss is an ice crystal and is surrounded by some firepits. You need the firepits to counteract the frostbite. Its best here to have one person be responsible to light the fire and attack at range. Be prepared to change responsibilities if the person is getting continuously knocked down by the boss. Stability can be very useful here.

Ranged characters can spread out and attack the boss to avoid everyone being caught in an attack. Be mindful of frostbite so you can return and debuff. Melee characters can melee effectively as well but you will need to watch your frostbite level and return to debuff periodically. Every once in awhile the boss will use a skill that will seperate everyone and cause a blizzard that makes it hard to see where you are. Use your minimap to find each other and locate a firepit. The boss will also spawn adds which you may need to kill as well. If you don't kill the adds, you may get caught in a bad situation later if there are too many as this fight can drag out.

After killing the boss be sure to check your frostbite level as you may need to light a fire before moving on. Frostbite isn't an issue after this point.

Next, you will need to make your way to the final boss. Head east and after you pass the bridge stay to the right and follow the mountain around to avoid the mobs. You can hop between two rocks, over a mountain and a hill to avoid them. Eventually you will reach his cave. If for some reason you fall behind and cannot enter the inner part of the cave, talking to the flag will teleport you in.

There are a few things you need to know about this boss. First he has his own debuff that works similar to frostbite. The debuff is applied to you whenever you take a hit from the boss. The more stacks you have the more damage you take. Back off for awhile if you are taking too much damage from it as stacks will remove over time. Most of his physical attacks aren't that damaging but if you see him breath blue fire, dodge backwards as it causes a lot of damage. The last thing you will need to worry about is when he teleports away. When he teleports, he will start dropping aoe everywhere. Avoid it at all costs as it causes massive damage but it is generally easy to avoid. On fractal level 10 and higher, this attack causes agony damage making it much worse.

Before too long the boss should be dead and you can claim your reward.

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:58 PM


After rolling this fractal, start off by heading up the ramp where you will see a closed door and another ramp up. You will need to send at least one person up the ramp to stand on a button while the others go through the gate.

As soon as they are through the gate, the person on the button should head back down and wait by the gate. Next, someone else in the party should do the same with the next ramp. At least 2 people need to go through the second gate as there are two buttons in there that need to be stepped on to open both of the previous gates. After that bring everyone inside that room as you will need them.

In the room with the two buttons, when you are standing on the two buttons, there is a panel that opens up that needs to be activated. The person that is activating the panel will need to be untouched for about 30 seconds. This means that at least one person will need to guard him while another should be helping the people standing on the buttons. After the panel is fully activated the back door will open and a flash will occur on the minimap. Run through the door and kill any dredge that pursue you up the ramp.

Next, you will come up to a room with a mining suit and a few dredge. This is nothing special, kill them. However, the path splits into two different paths here which require you to destroy a door to a boss in different ways.

Path 1: Destroy the door using bombs. In this one, waves and waves of dredge will keep respawning while you need to work your way through and drop bombs at the door. The best strategy I have for this one is to take your time. Keep 4 people at the bottom of the stairs fighting off the waves of dredge while the last one runs to the door places a bomb and runs back to the group for sanctuary. The person running the bombs may need to change depending on what is going on but you will eventually have placed enough bombs to destroy the door. As the runner, do not attack any dredge and try to avoid aggroing as many as possible. Swiftness helps as well as damage mitigation. Don't try to rush it and make sure you have all your abilities and heals available before trying to run a bomb. After the door is destroyed, the dredge will no longer respawn and you can kill them slowly. If you have a thief in your party for this part, you can shadow refuge the group up to drop off bombs at the door and then retreat, come back, and repeat until the door is destroyed.

Path 2: Destroy the door using dredge mining equipment. This one starts off by you killing some dredge and destroying the 3 machines on the platforms. The machines can easily be ranged down and the dredge don't pose much of a threat if taken slowly. After killing the three dredge closest to the door, they will drop 3 guns to destroy the door. After a while, the dredge will respawn. When this happens, you can hold out till the door is broken and rush into the room and stay along the left wall and kill the ones that follow or you can fall back and work your way back to the door again.

Champion dredge fight: After destroying the door, you will be presented with a boss and numerous spawning dredge. The dredge have a finite number and if you can find a way to kill them, the only thing that will be left is the boss and a veteran that will respawn infinitely until the champ is killed.

After that boss fight, the vehicle will bust through another door which opens the path toward the last boss of the area. There are actually two different bosses that can be waiting for you but they follow similar mechanics. One boss is a giant ice guy that has some adds and the other is a dredge mining suit which can throw some pretty devastating bombs out that explode at the same time.

Either way, the goal of this fight is to have one person activate the lava pot above the boss while he is under it which causes the boss to take greater damage. The pots take a long time to refill so you will have to move to one of the other pots after using one. There are 4 pots total. One in each corner of the room. There are several strategies you can employ in this fight and you may have to adapt depending on your group makeup. The most common strategy is to move him back and forth between two pots.

You will need to have at least one person activating the pots and the others need to be kiting the boss to the next pot while causing damage. Be very mindful of who has the boss' aggro. Don't try to rez someone if you have aggro and be sure you are moving him to the next pot. If the boss doesn't get hit by the lava on a regular basis, he will start to get his health back so be sure to keep up a good pace. Also, every now and then the boss will stop moving and will try to regenerate health. Hit him with as many interrupts as you can to try to knock him out of it.

Another problem that can happen is that the person activating the pots can grab the boss' aggro. If this happens, its best to switch who is doing pots for the time being until that person loses aggro.

Some tips:
Ranged attacks are the only way to go for kiting. You can switch to melee if he's stunned but its generally best to avoid going in close.
If you get the dredge mining suit, WATCH OUT FOR THE BOMBS!! They WILL KILL YOU QUICK. Get out of their aoe range ASAP!
If someone dies, have someone without aggro heal him while the boss is far away from the site of his death. The others should continue to kite during this process.

If you follow a successful pattern you will kill him decently quick and won't have any trouble with him.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 09:58:33

» Edited on: 2013-07-16 15:28:49

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:18:24

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:59 PM


You start off in this one and are required to kill a bunch of grawl. They are pretty easy at lower levels but at higher levels it can get quite difficult. There is a cliff you can climb up on and pull grawl to just to the right of where you spawn if you are having difficulty.

After killing the grawl for a bit, you will need to head down to the grawl shaman fight. To get there, you will need to run down and follow the flaming boulders while avoiding getting crushed by them. Swiftness helps here but it is still fairly simple to evade them.

Next, you fight the Grawl Shaman. You will need to break his bubble by throwing rocks at him. You have to hit him several times to break the barrier. Also, you will need to prevent the veterans from approaching and killing the hostages as well. The boss himself is pretty easy just be sure to avoid his aoe.

Next, you will need to make the trek to the final boss. It requires you to make a few easy jumps and kill some bats along the way. If you jump over the rails when there are gaps in the track you can avoid falling into the lava if your jump is short. If you do fall, there should be a ramp up.

The final boss can be tricky. The indents in the ground can be filled with lava so avoid parking yourself on top of one. Ranged attacks work well here but watch out for aoe. If you decide to go melee, be sure to dodge away if he flies straight up in the air. After doing some damage, he will spawn a bubble which will block a certain number of attacks (I think its around 30). You can view the number of blocks he has remaining on his buff bar. You need to break his bubble before he eats a sacrifice to regain health. He will also spawn adds that shoot lava at you at this time. Focus on breaking his bubble first then kill the adds as quick as possible. Reflection and projectile blocking works well to give your group the time it needs to break the bubble before focusing on adds. The boss will continue this cycle until he is killed.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 10:03:57

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:59 PM


In this one, you are converted into a charr and are accompanied by warband of npcs. (You may need to rez them before going forward).

Start off by walking outside the tent and following the wall to the west all the way around to avoid the massive amounts of enemies in the middle. From there you will get the opportunity to take down an arrow cart at the top of the wall. You might also aggro a group here. Kill them before moving on. Move forward a little more and you will run across a boss named Dulfy that is guarding a door with siege equipment. Before attempting to fight her, you will NEED to kill the 3 oil traps over the door or else you will die quickly. Use ranged attacks to destroy them as she will not move. Also, she will rebuild the ballistas if they are both destroyed. Kill her and then take out her ballistas and then the door.

After you are inside, there is no set path. If you look closely behind the groups of enemies, you can usually see which way is clear of barricades. Try not to aggro enemy groups that are not blocking your path. Take out siege equipment first and clear group by group until you come to another gate.

When you reach the next gate, be sure to kill the oil over it using ranged attacks. After that kill the npc's guarding the door and then the door itself.

Once inside this gate, do NOT rush in the circle. instead follow around the edge of the circle until you are behind the statue that is on the edge. Do not get too close to the edge or npcs will aggro it. From this location, you can pull two seperate groups of enemies and kill them one by one. Here you have a choice of whether you want to rush and kill the siege equipment or play it safe and go around to the opposite side of the stage and take out the remaining groups one at a time.

After you have claimed the circle a flame shaman npc will run in and destroy the statue in the center and will start using a summoning spell. You need to protect him while he is doing this. Groups of mobs will come in from different doors. I recommend CCing them and killing them. If you kill them too slowly, the other groups will continue to spawn regardless so be aware.

After this section, a boss will spawn and run out to the center. I recommend ranging him to death (especially on fractal level 10 and up). He will also spawn a squire that can do a good amount of damage but he is easy to continuously evade while ranging the boss. If the npc's die, a warrior Battle Standard can revive them pretty nicely.

Then, claim your chest and move on!

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 10:10:00

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 02:59 PM


This one starts off with a bunch of jumping and harpies. The harpies are pretty easy up until level 10 of the fractals when they get a new knockback skill. Be sure to bring reflects, stability, and invulnerability skills to combat the knockbacks. Also be aware that you don't jump as far if you are "in combat".

After passing the first jumping part, you will come to a room with 4 trapped mobs. Kill the cube to release them. Kill them in this order Bunny > Saboteur > Flame Shaman > Ettin.

Watch out for aoe from the saboteur and the flame shaman. Leave the Ettin for last as he is slow and takes a long time to kill. After killing these guys, you will come to a room with a couple of harpies... kill 'em.

Next is the part where you have to run up the stairs and evade the beams of light trap. You need 3 people to make it to the top to trigger the panels around the corner that deactivate the trap. Be sure not to continue running straight after passing the traps as there is a drop off. The 3 panels have to be triggered at nearly the same time. If you have 2 different skills with condition removal or teleports, it can be completed with just 1 person at the top.

Next is a boss fight. Its a little more complicated after level 10 of the fractals so I will start with pre-level 10. All you need to do is have one person activate the fan in the back of the room whenever the room fills with poison. The boss will stay still so you can kill him slowly. Retaliation and feedback work well on him.

After level 10 the boss is the same but the process to activate the fan is different. There are two panels on the opposite sides of the fan than need a crystal brought to them. These function basically as batteries for the fan. Both batteries need to be charge for the fan to turn on. There is a gauge on them that tells you when the fan is about to run out of juice too. The crystals that work as batteries can be found on each side of the fan. Generally it is a good idea to have one person near the fan to activate it and 1 running crystals to the left battery and 1 running crystals to the right battery. You can drop a crystal by the battery to make it easy for the next run.

After you finish the boss fight you are met with another set of jumping/harpy slaying. Slowly move past them as before and make your way up to the final bosses.

The final bosses are a set of four kitty cat golems and an invincible asura. The Asura will not be damaged no matter what you do but he will throw attacks at you. These hurt bad at level 10 of the fractals. On to the golems, this fight is pretty easy. Kill one golem at a time as they stand up and then all four will come after you. Kill them one at a time and you're done.

At level 10 of the fractals this can be very difficult with the asura wailing on you. A very useful strategy is to have one person kite the asura around the posts out by the ledge which will block his attack if its between you and him. Guardian staff works well here.

Another great strategy for this fight is to have projectile blockers like Shield of the Avenger and Wall of Reflection for the guardian blocking the attacks from the Asura.

» Edited on: 2013-01-22 10:17:37

» Edited on: 2013-07-16 15:36:32

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 03:00 PM


This one is pretty easy up to the boss. The only thing you need to be aware of is the Jade guys reflect projectiles. You can either kill the enemies as you go or run past them. Killing is probably safer while running is quicker.

This boss is only damaged by the crystals that you find lying around. When you see a red skull appear over your head, pick up a crystal to absorb the attack and then target the jade maw and throw it back at him. If you have the skull over your head but are not near a crystal, a well timed dodge will allow you to evade it. If you get hit, you are downed. If you get hit while downed, you are dead.

After getting to the boss, you will need to start by killing the two tentacles closest to the boss. You can hop around the ledge and avoid aggroing most of the enemies to get to the second one. Then, start gathering the reflective crystals and bringing them back to near the spot where you first jumped down from the platforms. Start slowly killing the enemies around you as they drop crystals after they die. Be aware that if you kill all the jade elementals, the jade maw attack will become more rapid. Therefore try to leave at least one alive. If you need more crystals, kill the tentacles.

When the boss' health gets low enough he will do an undodgeable final attack that hits everyone. Be prepared to grab a crystal so you do not die.

Also note that after level 10 of the fractals, he will periodically cast a spell that consistently does agony damage to you for a few seconds. Heal, dodge and pray. Revive any dead party members after the effect wears off.

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:28:15

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/11/2013 at 10:21 AM

Below are new Fractals added with Fractured Release:


You start this one off by swimming through a mine field. I like to stay to the upper right for most of this and dodge through the one mine in my way.

Next you come to a room full of aetherblades. Line of of sight them around a corner and DPS them down. Then run into the next room and you get to avoid some traps.

Trap 1: Jump from the non lit up tiles to the next ones right when they change. You need two people to make it to the end and deactivate the consoles in the house to proceed. One person can do it if they have condition removal. Kill the 2 guys before the next trap.

Trap 2: you have to time your way through some rotating beams to get to the two consoles to deactivate them. Both are against the wall directly across from the stairs. Invulnerability works well here as you can walk through the beams with it. One person can again activate both consoles by removing the immobilize condition the first console places on you.

Next room. Hop down the stairs and stand on the rocks in the corner by the wooden platform with the cannon guy there. You will need to pull and dps several groups of mobs here until the door opens.

This leads you to the last room. When you first walk into the room you will notice that there are stacks of boxes in the room with a cylinder in the center. To start off you need to talk to the champ. Then kill off his adds (including the two new ones that spawn) before killing him.

When you kill him, he teleports to the center and a beam of light will start rotating counter clockwise from the center. This first beam can be avoided by climbing on the boxes. During this phase, some golems will spawn that you will need to kill. When the beams hit the golems, they become invulnerable for a few seconds. So you can either kite them between the beams or stack on a set of boxes and dps them and wait for the invulnerability to wear off between passes. After you kill the first set of golems you start the next phase.

The next phase is similar to the last but the wall moves slower and can not be jumped over. You will need to run in a circle around the center while killing the golems.

The last phase is a combination of the last two. You have two beams that rotate counter clockwise one that can be jumped over using the boxes and one that can't. The one you can jump over moves faster than the other so every once in awhile you will need to hop on some boxes to let it pass. After you kill the last set of golems the fractal is finished.

Some tips for the beam room. Move together on the same side of the large beam. Make sure to have a ranged option as you will be constantly moving. Stability helps as the golems have a pull move. If someone goes down and you cannot get them up quickly as a group its better off to leave that person for dead.

» Edited on: 2013-12-17 10:28:05

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/11/2013 at 10:21 AM


I have never gotten this one outside of the story instance for the Fractured update :'( Will update at a later time.

» Edited on: 2013-12-17 10:29:31

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/11/2013 at 10:22 AM


To start this one off, talk to Rox so she can start drilling. Shortly after a portal will show up with some Molten Alliance mobs. Kill them and then start following the drill. Watch out for falling rocks.

Every now and then while following the drill, you will come to an open room with a few mobs. Kill them and then drop the boulder on the open steam vent. Also, don't forget to mine as you have a chance to get Azurite here which is used in Sentinel gear.

After the drill makes it into the large cavern, kill the mobs that are in there and proceed past the steam walls and down to the weapons testing facility.

The weapons testing facility is basically just dodging attacks and aoes and killing the node in the center in between. During the last round the tests will continue while you kill the node. Most of the weapons tests can be avoided or mitigated by standing in the corner closest to the dredge boss at the console. Be mindful of the dredge protectors that popup as they create an aoe ring of fire that makes whatever is inside of them invulnerable for a time. Try to keep them away from the center so you can kill the node quickly.

After that there is a dredge boss that enters by the gate. DPS him down and grab your chest.

» Edited on: 2013-12-17 10:07:09

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/11/2013 at 10:23 AM


You start off in this one by killing a champion and a few mobs. After that, you are confronted by a pair of bosses and you need to pick which one you want to kill first.

The Molten Berserker does Melee attacks and will teleport to a player. He also creates massive shockwaves that need to be jumped or dodged.

The Molten Firestorm flies around and does fire AOEs everywhere.

When you kill one, the other one powers up. If you kill the Firestorm first, the Berserker does a lot more shockwaves and can be rather annoying and causes agony. If you kill the Berserker first, a windtunnel forms around the middle of the platform and you are confined to the center of the platform.

Which one you kill is up to personal preference but I prefer to kill the berserker first as the aoe from Firestorm is easily avoidable. A ranged option is always a plus to have for this fight.

» Edited on: 2013-12-17 09:57:23

Free of Fate


Commander Kyle.3856
   Member of Free of Fate

Replied On: 12/11/2013 at 10:27 AM


This fractal starts off with killing some aetherblade. Line of sight them around the corner and kill them.

After that, open the doors and begin your fight with Mai Trin.

In this fight you will be fighing Mai and Horace. Horace shoots a cannon at you from a distance while Mai chases after you. You need to focus on Mai as Horace will just respawn.

Horace has two attacks. One which is regular cannon fire. The other is an electric aoe. Both look very similar until they hit the ground.

Mai starts out invincible due to stacks of a buff. You can remove her stacks by kiting her through Horace's electric aoe attacks which allow you to do more damage to her. She has two major attacks you need to be aware of. First is her regular Melee attack which puts a lot of bleeding on you rather quickly. The second is a long distance teleport attack that occurs after she points her gun at you. The teleport does massive damage.

Every 25% of Mai's health, Mai and Horace will teleport away and will barrage the area with cannon fire. You just need to focus on staying alive during these phases. Rezzing other players during these phases is very risky. If someone dies its best to rez after the barrage phase is over.

Best strategies for the Barrage phase are to either split up with one in each corner and the last one in the middle or to move as a group in a circular pattern.

Rinse and repeat until Mai dies.

» Edited on: 2013-12-11 10:41:37

Free of Fate

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