What are you doing for Halloween

So what are you doing for Halloween. Feel free to share anything Halloween related, from making special treats and sweet to Creating Halloween Art and Haunted Houses.

Dressing up, going to a party, and eating way to much candy!
Kingdeath 80 Mesmer
Sobeknofru 80 Guardian
Justice Hole 80 Thief
I actually don't have anything planned for Halloween itself this year. I've got a couple of costume parties to attend this weekend, though, and one annual Halloween Ghost Busters Ball. That should be a hoot.
After all that I'm probably just gonna lay low and carry on with the week as normal (with the exception of lots of extra candy laying around, which is always a welcome addition to any work week).

Le Musquerat • Bron Quagganslinger
Human thief       Norn warrior
By: |
Member of Gaiscioch na Rall |
Replied On: 10/26/2012 at 10:47 AM
My daughter's birthday is Halloween weekend, so we love merging the two events into a birthday-halloween party for her. She is having her friends over and will be Rollerskating, climbing the 3-story jungle gym, playing laser tag, jumping in the inflatable castle, and playing games in the arcade etc.
It will be EPIC!
"It is our duty to kick your booty."
CLICK: Sklurb @ YouTube
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Member |
Replied On: 10/27/2012 at 09:17 AM
Finally seeing "Phra" aka Crookers from Milan, Italy! Been waiting to see the duo since 2008 but "Bot" left the group earlier this month to pursue his solo work! >:(
For fellow electronic lovers... a link to one of the last shows they had together Q_Q
And the latest mix from Phra