Hi All,
Here are some things that comes into my mind hopefully it's possible :)
1. Would it be possible to add Server time clocks and Different Timezones(PST/EST/Oceanic TZ)? probably below the menu bar or at the footer perhaps?
2. Move/Removed "Guides & Builds" to Gameplay section and rename it to Guides instead? since we have a Build section now.
3. Can we make the community site public so anyone can register? and let the WvW Section by invitational only?
Thanks for reading and Great site btw :)
Eternal Breaker [ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
- Dare to be Different -
By: |
Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 10/30/2012 at 06:56 PM
You can invite anyone to join with the access code. It's in place to prevent spammers from getting in the system. It's a verbal Captcha. It also makes it a bit more personal.
#2 i can probably do.
#1 Im still working on a world clock setup for the footer.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager, SanctumofRall.com
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Wow that was fast! Oks will do then as per suggestion for invites.
Thanks again,
Edit: I found a bug. Server/Seattle Time stayed "PM" when it supposed to be "AM" midnight.
Seattle / Server
12:20 PM DST
» Edited on: 2012-11-01 00:23:46
Eternal Breaker [ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
- Dare to be Different -
Hi Again,
It's been a while since I posted and thanks for the last mail Benjamin. Anyway I was wondering would it be possible to have a WvW maps (Like orrmaps.com) wherein commanders could post live updates on what's happening on each BL? Example Commander A would put a Pin on the Map to show the Enemy Red Zerg location and all logged-in commanders can see it Live on their Extra Monitors/Ipads/Tablets.
Advantage(s) :
- We could gather intelligence on how our enemies react either in attacking/defending.
- Coordination with SoR Commanders.
- Security issues perhaps from spies etc.
Eternal Breaker [ExB] || Sanctum of Rall
- Dare to be Different -
By: |
Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 01/27/2013 at 10:52 PM
That ones a bit out of reach. The tax on the server would be tremendous. Plus it would be about a month long project to do it right. Dont have that kind of free time atm.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager, SanctumofRall.com
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]