I Dark Sorcerer (GL of The Paladines [PROT] ) propose a joint venture with all guilds that need to get Guild Bounties or other events and are lacking the numbers to join together and help each other get them done as quickly as possible. If anyone is interested in this venture, please send me mail telling when you want to start this so our less fortunate guilds can get these events done and make things more enjoyable for our guildies and our server Sanctum!
» Edited on: 2015-03-15 14:34:27
By: |
Member of Ecto Nightmare |
Replied On: 02/03/2015 at 09:00 AM
I'm down to help. My guild does them Sundays around 4pm eastern. We usually have around 10-12 ppl, maybe you guys can meet up with us, do ours, then do yours. Or if anyone else who wants in. I might have to work Sunday, not sure the time yet, but either way i could set it up so you could meet up with ecto. I'll talk to my guildies and see what they think. I'm quite sure we can figure something out to help. I've only done a few, but they're real quick. 2 guilds can do bounty and tracks super quick.
» Edited on: 2015-02-03 12:00:55
*Xeero Cool-Mez,Admiral Wiggin-Engi,Arya Sinfelle-Teef,Dirtyfilthyrotten-Necro,Ender Tha Xenocide-Rev