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Posted On: 06/08/2015 at 01:03 PM |
On June 20th, 2015 at 1:00pm Eastern, come and join Gaiscioch for a very special event - HIDE AND SEEK for GOLD! This will be an event with multiple Gold prizes as the "Singing Commander" Smitty hides around the Guild Wars 2 map, and gives out clues! If you find him before everyone else, you get GOLD! Contestants will gather at Cornucopian Fields Waypoint in Gendarran Fields, just outside of Lion's Arch. TeamSpeak ( will be used to give out the clues. Screenshots will be taken with the winners and a post-event recap will be made for all to enjoy!
For you legal types... Here are some rules* ...
- The total event will be ~1 hour long
- 5 minutes of gathering up, introductions, and rules
- 5 – "Hide-And-Seek" games
- 1 - "Consolation Prize" game
- 5 minutes for thanks, and wrap up
- Rules for "Hide-And Seek" Game
- Smitty, as “Sif Ellisdottir”, will hide in 5 Locations around the Guild Wars 2 Map
- Please note, this may include WvWvW, Obsidian Sanctum and/or Edge of the Mists
- Each game will be 10 minutes long
- 10 Gold will be awarded if Smitty is found in the time limit and the correct emote is given
- The specific emote required will be given before each timed game begins
- 5 clues will be provided in 2 minute increments
- Timer will start after the first clue is read
- Clues will be given only ONCE over TeamSpeak. They will NOT be typed in chat.
- If Smitty is not found in 10 minutes, the Gold rolls over to the next game
- At the conclusion of the event, any Gold not won will roll into the Consolation Prize
- In the event of a tie, a tie-breaker "waypoint" will be specified. First to arrive wins.
- Smitty, as “Sif Ellisdottir”, will hide in 5 Locations around the Guild Wars 2 Map
- Rules for "Consolation Prize" game
- Conditions for winning will be told before "Consolation Prize" game begins
- 10 Gold will be awarded if the conditions for winning are met
- Please note this COULD be up to 60 Gold if Gold was rolled over from previous games
- If you win a game, you are ineligible for the other games including Consolation Prize
- Gold will be sent via in-game mail after the conclusion of the event
Good luck all! Hope to see you there and HAPPY HUNTING!
* Please note, these rules may be updated at any time before the event begins
» Edited on: 2015-06-08 13:13:56
» Edited on: 2015-06-08 15:53:34
Your friendly neighborhood Smitty here!
Sif Ellisdottir - Gaiscioch [GSCH]
Maelgwyn Gryffud - Gaiscioch [GSCH]