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Posted On: 01/14/2015 at 04:03 PM |
Hi all!!!
So i was arranging all this new videos i got from january,
And i hitted on this comeback spvp party after LOOOONG hiatus our guild memeber Scabies had just come back,
To be honest i might have lured him into spvp while pointin dailies gave exp as eotm was resetting :3
And we had so much fun and thru organizing the files i said i just had to edit it, so thats why spvp is up before wvw :P have lotsa footage and have not found good song yet :P i take in any suggestions pls,
So no further delays!!
CHAPTER 40: sPvP Fun fun & WB Scabies
Special thank to Cobra for letting me use theyre song :3 i linked theyre Facebook and Soundcloud on video besides they name on here
Hope u enjoy!!
Love <3
P.S: Be adviced u must expect lotso yolo and trolls on epic proportions
» Edited on: 2015-01-14 16:06:24
-Greenstone "Big Green Guy" / Richard Ryder "The Crimson Nutcase" / Viridis Caedo " Green Death" / Walla Quilcai Tuta "Necro Inka"
"Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal"
"In Hood We Trust"