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Posted On: 02/27/2015 at 11:00 AM |
As some of you know I have 2 accts, 1 on SoR and 1 on TC. I spent a bunch of time farming SPs and what not to get all my builds finalized on my SoR acct so I didnt get too much footage from BARD this week so I figured I would add in a blob vs blob that we had against Tempest Wolves Legacy. Both fights really show how if you position yourself well, zerk necro is very sustainable in all scenarios.
I might start doing weekly highlight videos if there is interest. I want to post mainly SoR centric videos here, but if people dont mind Ill add in some TC footage as well.
» Edited on: 2015-02-27 11:13:10
Abyssal Soul/Dustbringer Chana/Wells Go/Tiras Soul/Pyrrhas Soul