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Posted On: 05/18/2015 at 11:39 AM |
Hi guys, gals, spies, quaggans, hyleks and fellow ghosts :D
Its been a time, really long time since last video up,
...So i dedicated my whole weekend almost no play to edit 80gb of raw cutted video and im up to date now finally!!!
(ditched febraury and maerch tbh xD)
Im only missing to edit the Siege War Highlights, Benny Hill action w Smitty and a few VIG wvw zvz clips!
Presenting today we have the following Commanders on Tape Special feat. of:
(in order of appearance)
XxSilly Rabbit Xx[ORDR]
Kage Lord[HNB] (beatch left the server already xD)
Taz The Beast[OMEN]
Yolo Von Swagginz[ORDR]
And now with no further delays!!!
-Please remember to watch in HD and IN youtube-
5) Went epic metal for this one, it just felt right if you know what i mean...
51) Here some folk rock latin stuff hitted the spot, how i mostly feel when roaming around xD
Here song was just so funny xD Theres some great Ram vs Golem Fight at the end, be sure not to miss it :3
So thats it for now!!! Any feedback, comments and song recommendation are gladly taken,
May you have an excellent night and see you at night at the borderlands ;)
P.S: OMG Taz you are everywhere!!!!! XD im like ya special papparazzi, anyways tyvm for the coverage man, great fightz around as always
» Edited on: 2015-05-18 11:49:22
-Greenstone "Big Green Guy" / Richard Ryder "The Crimson Nutcase" / Viridis Caedo " Green Death" / Walla Quilcai Tuta "Necro Inka"
"Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal"
"In Hood We Trust"