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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Posted On: 12/23/2014 at 11:59 AM
I have began a new post that I plan to keep updated. I could use your help to look it over and let me know if you feel anything should be changed. If your guild is not listed in the post it's because it's not showing active on the SOR Site. Please let me know and I'll add it to the list for you. I really want to create a homely vibe with our community to draw others like ourselves to our sanctuary. Word on the street is we're in line for free transfers here in the new year and I want to make sure our pitch is solid to attract players who want to have fun, make friends, and share adventures with us.
Share Your Adventure with Sanctum of Rall
Additionally, any comments you'd like to share about our current community would be helpful in attracting like minded people. If we are to grow, we need to make sure we grow with people of like minds. We can't force ourselves back into the situation that sent so many of our friends abroad. I want to make sure that everyone who comes here knows what they're getting into and what to expect. » Edited on: 2014-12-23 12:00:46
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
Member Response:
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Member of Blood of the Martyr |
Replied On: 12/23/2014 at 01:03 PM
Hi Fog,
Our domain has been discontinued. The guild page here on SOR is this link. Links can be updated and directed to Blood Of The Martyr [Hope]. Can you update that here on SOR and in your post please, since Findan is out for the moment?
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Member of Seriously Over Rated |
Replied On: 12/23/2014 at 08:52 PM
the site is very feature dense and will very likely confuse first time visitors. I was confused on my first visit.
it seems to be pretty hard on my smart phone battery, if there could a phone version with just forums that would be supa! gotta have me some pvf on the go!
» Edited on: 2014-12-23 20:53:25
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Member of Perfectionists Cult |
Replied On: 12/24/2014 at 07:29 AM
Very lengthy post on the official forums Fog but a very informative one. What we really need is to build the SOR hub itself and get more of the other guild leaders and SOR members to participate. I see it slowly happening and the only way to build any lasting foundation is through patience and time.
The only thing I would say is that the length of the post itself is something which a lot of people are merely going to skim through and some will only read parts of it. Unfortunately a lot of gamers attention spam and patience isn't that great to begin with. It does however make a great way to weed out certain folks in a screening process. If they can't be bothered to register on a site or read a little , what exactly are they going to bring to the community as a whole ?
I would also have to agree that the SOR site is indeed a beast and may intimidate some users. There are enough features on there though to bind and unite the server in one spot while allowing separate guilds to still retain their own identity. I honestly think that is the worst stepping stone in building a community or large alliance is that many small mom and pop guilds or those with close knit friendships feel like by becoming part of the greater picture they somehow lose that.
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 12/24/2014 at 10:25 AM
All of this information is also available in our "About" tab on the main navigation. I essentially ported and trimmed that content.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 12/24/2014 at 10:36 AM
Added quick links in the post to jump people to content and return to top links to return to the index. Should help people get to what they want fast.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 01/04/2015 at 02:40 AM
I could use someone posting a few words about your take on our server to help bump this back to the top before it finds it's way to the graveyard. It looks weird if I'm the only one bumping it. Please fill this with your favorite memories or features of SOR. Share your stories please.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
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Member of Ecto Nightmare |
Replied On: 01/04/2015 at 07:42 AM
Bumped it
*Xeero Cool-Mez,Admiral Wiggin-Engi,Arya Sinfelle-Teef,Dirtyfilthyrotten-Necro,Ender Tha Xenocide-Rev
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Member of Perfectionists Cult |
Replied On: 01/06/2015 at 10:34 PM
I've been gaming with two main guilds on the SOR server and there's no way I would go to another. It has exactly what I want for P vs E and for W vs W. For those that think you must join a server that's ranked high in-order to have fun, I'll have to disagree with you. This server although currently bottom tier for W vs W at the time of this post has some exciting events and battles in W vs W. I've seen a lot of skill and talent that's always rocked much larger numbers then what we have in battle. It makes the battles fun and much more rewarding. If you have never joined SOR in some of the W vs W events, I would encourage you to attend one.
As for P vs E, I have had some great moments there as well. Check out the calendar for boss runs and other things the community does. If you lead a guild come join in and be a part of the entire server. Post your events and grow your participation and abilities with those on your home server !
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 01/07/2015 at 08:48 AM
Greyfeathers, please post thst on the link above which will take you to the official forums.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
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Member of Gaiscioch na Rall |
Replied On: 01/08/2015 at 01:39 PM
I was making a video for this i hope im not to late,
It comes along a narration from the real me in RL talking how i started playing MMO and how i got here in GW2 and why i stay here in GW2 and in SoR, think it will be ok or is it more viral to just write bout it?
-Greenstone "Big Green Guy" / Richard Ryder "The Crimson Nutcase" / Viridis Caedo " Green Death" / Walla Quilcai Tuta "Necro Inka"
"Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal"
"In Hood We Trust"
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 01/08/2015 at 01:56 PM
We will need to periodically bump this as often as possible with videos, comments and testimonials for the foreseeable future. The more it's in front of people the more chance we have of picking new people up. I'm also working on a welcome to Sanctum of Rall video as well and several website tutorials
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]
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Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall
Replied On: 02/13/2015 at 12:04 PM
I could use someone to help bump this back to the top. It's really hard for us to get noticed when i'm the only one bumping it. Doesn't look like we are a community it looks like i just like talking to myself. :\ Please help.
Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]