By: |
Posted On: 09/28/2015 at 08:09 AM |
With all of the discussion the last few days, exodus by more of the hardcore W vs W players and new things to SOR as rewards I wanted to talk about P vs E in general. Many of us enjoy this aspect of the game as well but it is also a mega server within the game and in P vs E you can find yourself gaming with Gate of Madness or even Darkhaven players. This site was geared toward W vs W because it is the only thing right now that really makes a difference what server you call home. If you're not a member of SOR you can't W vs W with us unless of course you have that alt account which sets on a different server. I was told people don't switch servers for P vs E but within our guild I have seen people switch servers not for P vs E but for the friends and others they have on that server. They came to be with the people they've met, gamed with and wish to be a true part of us as a whole.
Okay then how do we make P vs E something we can integrate for the community site as well ?
1.) Ask guild leaders and others on the server to include non W vs W events on the server calendar.
2.) Here's an idea for a system we might be able to use similar to the W vs W reward system. SOR members leading " x " amount " of P vs E events, dungeon runs, map clears, role playing events, etc. get a medal much like commanders do for leading W vs W events. I wouldn't suggest any type of a reward system for participants since some may be players from another server. We want to help our server members first before we do things for the entire GW 2 community. So how about " Mentor Medals " for server members who hold events for those of us in P vs E ? We should place a number of participants as a requirement for an event to count such as a minimum of 4 active SOR members that claim credit for the event here on the site. By doing this perhaps we can get more SOR members active here and newer players or those wishing to take part in our community to consider joining us on the server.
Open to comments and discussion about the idea here. I'd love to see this site used for more then W vs W. How many of us have enjoyed Soren's TEQ fights ? There has to be a way we can include this aspect of GW 2 along with W vs W and be working for other servers and having it benefit our server members here. There is a lot of diversity here on SOR and we've definitely not tapped into all of that yet.