The Hobbit
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The Hobbit


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Posted On: 11/27/2012 at 12:02 PM

Alright you all, I know your going to see it. Do you think that the Hobbit will be on par with the first 3 and why?

Me? I'm excited to see Dr. John Watson as the Hobbit and Sherlock Holmes as the dragon Smaug and the Necromancer. Sorry guy's had to pull the BBC TV Sherlock card :D haha. In all honesty though the Hobbit Cartoon was one of my favorites as a kid so it will be nice to see how it translates to the big screen :D.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Member Response:


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 11/27/2012 at 03:01 PM

I think The Hobbit will be on par if not surpass the previous films. You have Peter Jackson directing and he's got a good majority of the crew from LOTR working on the film. I am excited to see it Dec 14th yet?



Commander Sekkerhund.3790
   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 11/28/2012 at 02:40 PM

I'm just happy that it finally got made, for a while it was a cancelled project. That it will be an epic movie, is a given. :D


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 11/30/2012 at 07:46 AM

I'm very excited. Iread and reread the books growing up and I was very happy with the Lord of the Rings trilogy, except Liv Tyler...why....why...cast such a token in the part of the most physically beautiful character and future Queen. I guess Natalie Portman was booked, or they went over budget.

Anywho...I hope the Hobbit trilogy is darker than the cartoon. When Tolkien introduced Hobbits they did have a ligther, innocent air about them that the cartoon focused on Bilbo's perspective. But the world of Middle Earth is in a dark time, and the plight of the dwarves was very dark indeed. The role of Thorin is the one I am most excited about. A dwarf obsessed with reclaiming past glory. I hope it comes through, and I cannot wait to see the battle of the five armies. Helm's Deep battle scene was amazing...I hope he tops it.

It's released on my Birthday, so December 13 I have off work and plan to sleep all day then go to the midnight show. It's my precious :)

» Edited on: 2012-11-30 10:35:11



Replied On: 12/09/2012 at 06:30 AM

I'm pretty excited myself. Watch the animated 1977 (?) version again and I've been looking for the book but its sold out around her and I cant find my copy. I also mixed (rainymood) at half volume and (Misty Mountains) at full volume as my new ringtone. Pretty cool sounding if you play them together. It was my alarm but I keep going back to sleep to it.

Protip: Don't use rain noises in your alarm.

» Edited on: 2012-12-09 06:33:07

» Edited on: 2012-12-09 06:34:06


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/10/2012 at 03:45 PM

This Friday! *squeals* :D


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/11/2012 at 11:41 PM

2 days to go, how are you preparing for this epic movie? Anyone going a midnight showing?



   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/12/2012 at 05:25 AM

Trying now to preorder tickets for Saturday's showing. Hope it's not too late!


Commander Rylssa.3256
   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/12/2012 at 05:21 PM

I'm looking forward to this movie, and I agree that with Peter Jackson directing I'm expecting some good quality stuff. We're probably not going to be able to go until next weekend, though, once my husband is done with his final test for a grad class he's taking right now.



   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 10:57 AM

I might actually have to wait until next week to see it :( My friends are taking me out tonight for my birthday and my parents are taking me out tomorrow night. I'm off work from 12/21 to 1/2 so I think going then when it's not crazy packed and I'm not busy would be a better experience.


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/13/2012 at 11:26 AM

Also anyone who goes to an Imax showing will see 9 mins of footage from the new Star Trek movie



   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 12/15/2012 at 09:11 PM

I hate to get my hopes up to much and want to be pleasenly suprised that it will be as good as the other 3. But I will keep my expectations where I will be OK with a medicore to good film that entertains me for a little bit. I am fairly easy to please.

Part of the Giascioch family.

P.S. Never moon a werewolf.


Commander Izzy.7624
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 01/06/2013 at 06:47 AM

For those who enjoyed the Hobbit I thought I'd post this. enjoy!

» Edited on: 2013-01-07 14:13:44


Jae Onasi.1408

Replied On: 01/16/2013 at 04:42 PM

I enjoyed the movie a lot. I also enjoy the Sherlock show and can't wait for another episode to come out!


   Member of Forge Fire Society

Replied On: 01/25/2013 at 04:05 PM

I loved it and can't wait for the next two - though I thought the beginning smacked a bit of those videos substitute teachers put on when they don't have any particular plan (much more interesting, though).

And, for those Sherlockians who missed Benedict's voice in this film, I recommend looking up Cabin Pressure - it's a BBC radio show that he's in. :)

'A good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read.'
- Terry Pratchett (Guards! Guards!)


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