Introducing the Leadership & Participation System (WvW Commander On Deck)
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Introducing the Leadership & Participation System (WvW Commander On Deck)


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Posted On: 05/16/2014 at 04:52 PM

Greetings Everyone,

As many of you know aside from running this here site, I also run one of the largest communities in the world. Over the years I have learned one true fact that has remained uncontested. People love to chase Numbers. Statistics and scores are a very powerful motivator.

Xivor and I discussed at great length the dilemma that Sanctum of Rall is currently in. There is 1 simple question that we must ask ourselves and answer if anyone is to ever decide to call us home in the coming days.

That question is: "Why should they come here and what do we have to offer?"

We aren't tier 1, we don't win all the time, we used to have a phenomenal pve side but now with megaservers thats a moot point. So what is it that would draw someone with no tie to the name to our server?

From a marketing standpoint this is a very hard sell and we need to innovate and come up with something totally unique that makes people WANT to be here. Gives them incentives to stay here, and encourages them to become part of our community as a whole.

This is where I present to you the all new Leadership & Participation System.

SOR WvW Commander On Deck

This program is a mutli-dimensional app built just for Sanctum of Rall. It tracks progress on the battlefield every 15 minutes and allows commanders to signup to lead on that field at any given time. By passing a Passcode to their followers they can encourage others to come, register, and use the website. By claiming participation, all participants will be entered into the weekly raffle. So let me break this all down into something that makes sense.

The Mission:

To get players on Sanctum of Rall to use and frequent the to allow the best possible communication to all interested parties involved while keeping players and leaders up to date on current events.

System Overview

For Leaders: Claiming Leadership

Before a leader can use this, they will need to click on "Account Settings" on the top right of the site after logging into the website. They will need to flag their account as a commander. This system is build specifically to encourage players to tag up and serve as a beacon for all of Sanctum of Rall to rally behind.

Once a Leader has marked that they are a commander they can return to the homepage where they will see the "SOR Commanders on Deck" bar with some new buttons on the bottom of it.

At the bottom of the bar there will be a button titled "Claim Lead" under each column. The columns are broken into:

  • Green Borderlands
  • Red Borderlands
  • Blue Borderlands
  • Eternal Battleground
  • Roaming - All 4 Map Support

Simply click "Claim Lead" under the area you wish to lead. This will take you to the Take Command screen

On this screen you can select a Related Event, change the borderlands if required, set the length of time you expect to be on the field, and set a passcode for your friends and realm mates to claim participation. Be sure to give yourself a little extra time than you have planned just in case things get exciting and you lose track of time. Once your finished click "Start Command".

This will take you to a confirmation page where you can copy and paste the chat macro directly into /team or /squad chat to let players know how to register and claim participation.

At the end of the event just return to the homepage and click "End Event" to close out your leadership session. You'll be presented with a recap of your event.

All scores are automatically tracked via the Guild Wars 2 API every 15 minutes. Your final score will be calculated 24 hours after the end of your event to allow all of your participants time to claim participation. Your total score will be as follows:

Key & Terminology

  • PPT = Points Per Tick: Logged on 15 minute intervals
  • TPPT = Total Points Per Tick: The Sum of All Points Earned During Event
  • CPPT = Complete Points Per Tick: The Sum of All Points Earned on Every Map During Event
  • PPT Change: The Difference Between Start and End PPT
  • Modifier: Each Person who claims participation adds 10% to the TPPT up to 100% of the value. 0 Participants = 0% of Points. 10+ Participants = 100% of Points.


For Borderlands & Eternal Battleground:
Score = Round((TPPT + PPT Change) * Modifier)

For Roaming Units:
Score = Round(((CPPT / 3) + PPT Change) * Modifier)
For roaming units we divide the total ppt by 3 as it is near impossible for 1 group to maintain ppt across 4 zones. Most times Roaming groups concentrate on up to 3 maps at a time.

Receiving Comments

You will notice that there is a new type of SOR Mail item called comments. All leaders have the ability to filter comments on their profile by Approving, Removing, or Reporting a comment. Reported Comments will be reviewed by the site admin and action will be taken accordingly. Comments will be displayed until the Commander chooses to remove a particular comment. Approving a comment stores it for safekeeping and prevents it from being removed over time.

For Participants: Claiming Participation

A leader is only as good as his or her participants. Having members willing to join them in battle is essential. The participation system is designed to reward participants for following commanders on deck and also a way of checking to make sure that Leaders are actually leading and just not trying to exploit the system. Participants are a very important part of the dynamic of WvW and completely essential for a commanders success.

To claim participation join one of the commanders on deck. They will provide you with a Passcode which is good for 24 hours from the end of the event. You will take that code and place it into the Claim Participation: Passcode box found on the homepage after you login.

You will be presented with an event recap page and an area where you can Commend Your Leader. In this area you can choose to give them a Commander Commendation for their exemplary leadership which you may award once to each leader as your seal of approval. In addition you can write a quick review of the commander and their leadership during the event.

Once you are done you can click to return to the homepage.

Bringing it all together... REWARDS!

Jibber jabber jibber jabber wall of text. Who the hell cares man give me the good stuff! Right? What motivates more than free loot and recognition? The Gaiscioch Family has collected more than 500 exotic items, precursors, bags, and siege weapons that we'll be using to help promote this system. We will have 3 raffle winners per week. 1 WvW Commander, 1 WvW Participant, and 1 Random Member of over the past week. Here's the Raffle Schedule:

WEEKLY (Raffle takes place Sunday @ 12AM PDT)

  • WvW Commander: - Commander Award: Exchangeable for Superior or Guild Siege Weapons
  • WvW Participant: - Silver Award: Exchangeable for an Exotic Weapon or 15 Slot Bag.
  • SOR Member: - Silver Award: Exchangeable for an Exotic Weapon or 15 Slot Bag.


MONTHLY (Raffle takes place 1st of the Month @ 12AM PDT)

  • WvW Commander: - Gold Award: Exchangeable for a full set of Exotic Armor or 18 Slot Bag.
  • WvW Participant: - Gold Award: Exchangeable for a full set of Exotic Armor or 18 Slot Bag.


You can find an all new leaderboard section of the which will highlight the top commanders and participants overall, over the past month, and the past week. In addition you'll find a sortable list displaying all the vital statistics.

In Closing:

It's my hopes that this system will give our server something that no other server has and help encourage players of Sanctum of Rall to call on one another for conquest and victory on every battlefield. As always this system is a work in progress and will be updated as ideas are formed, bugs are founded, and exploits tried. In the mean time enjoy!



» Edited on: 2014-05-22 11:29:00

» Edited on: 2015-01-09 16:05:43

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Member Response:


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/16/2014 at 06:23 PM

THis is a very nice idea.  This could also be used to assist in monitoring our active commander coverage per time zone, so we can identify the weaker areas. Additionally, everyone loves numbers and prizes.  I will definitely donate for the prize fund, as well as willingly accept any rewards I receive. This increases the social aspect of the game, and gives incentives for participation!  I love it!

To effectively work, Commanders would be better off by posting an event with their raid times each week.  This would give participants an event to join  in on for participation and rewards.  The randoms would not benefit from this, but if we transition slowly to a event-based raid time system within our core community, we could get this to effectively work.

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 05/17/2014 at 03:01 AM

wow a very eat feature fog! kudos!


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/17/2014 at 01:56 PM

Updated the metrics to include:

  • Time on the Field

  • Total PPT Earned

  • Avg PPT

  • PPT Start

  • PPT End

  • Leader Score = PPT Earned + Difference between PPT Start and PPT End.


Will also be implementing a Scale of the value based on how many people claim participation on over the next week. Each Participant will give you 10% of the value up to 100%. If 9 people claim participation you'll get 100% of the credit. (This should prevent people from faking it to some extent.) Leadership points will be calculated the day after the event conclusion based on the number of people participating. In addition I will be adding the ability to give Valor Tokens to leaders who participants feel did a great job as well as leave a comment about them on their profiles. (Each person will be able to moderate their comments. we want to keep things positive)

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/17/2014 at 04:02 PM

One of my Guild members, Jeduthun, pointed out some potential issues with this Commander tracking and leaderboard system.  

For one, some commanders focus on open fights (or get heavily engaged in open fights that take a long duration).  Not all Commanders are 100% focused on PPT.  Therefore, PPT tracking may not necessarily reflect the most skilled commanders or give an accurate reflection of their leadership during an event. Some commanders also hop maps throughout their time commanding (as I do).  That may be the most strategic method of increasing PPT.  Also, how can you track those that lead havoc teams?


I understand what you are trying to do here, but I think a leaderboard system might actually NOT work.  Commander A may be lesser skilled and may play during lesser active hours, but yet accumulate higher number of points on a leaderboard because of their time period and the amount of time they invest.  Commander B may be more skilled in battle, BL defense, and more, but limited to 2-3 hour blocks 1-3 times a week because he has a family and cannot invest as much time as the 15 year old Commander A.  Their commander point accumulations will not be as high as the other commanders.  

Now, take random Joe Snuffy.  He looks at leaderboards and says WOW, Commander A is so cool, look at all those points. He must be so skilled, I will follow him!  Commander B must suck, because he has less points.  I will never play when he is on.

Now, we have a misconception caused by pulling raw numbers, without a way to accurately measure true skill.  I am not sure if there actually is a way to judge this, honestly.  But, I wanted to share Jeduthun's thoughts on this.

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Mistress Collisto.1546

Replied On: 05/18/2014 at 12:53 PM

As much as I hate to say this as a follow up to Xivor, I feel I must...  I love a good open field battle as much as the next, however the point to WvW as much as we may not like it, is PPT.  Now before I get any feedback on it just being a coverage war, or factor in the Bloodlust for PPT, both valid points. I think Fogs idea here is more about pulling a few gems from the mix that can take pride in the time they play even if they are not part of a larger guild.  I think whatever system is attempted should be looked at as part of a much larger way of getting more people active and having fun.  Last night I entertained a 8-10 man guild group, we choose not to tag up and still managed to pull another 8 or so and we took all of our side of EB last night before GSCH/SORC logged in.  Great times by all and in hindsight we should have ran a tag, but we also wanted to have the ability to not get bogged down and be able jump where we were needed.  Held the other servers off in SoR as well as needed.  Many of my guildies are newer to WvW and for them to see how our leadership and our numbers where able to tick PPT from the 120-140 range to above 200 at a time that is normally considered dead(of course even that would not be possible if it wasn't for our friends from other guilds helping to guard SoR BL), made them consider WvW in the future as viable.  I'm not going to ask my members to log into a site to award me credit or log my PPT while leading them, but I will try to encourage them to do so for others if this system is set up.

Mistress Collisto|Molly Oakenheart|Lena Andersdotter|Heather Jones
Guild Leader of [JADE]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/18/2014 at 01:30 PM

Mistress, you don't have to log anything.  It's directly tied to the realm war feed from arenanet. All you need to do is click claim lead and the click end event when your done. If you forget to click end it will by default close it after you alloted block is complete. I have made this super simple and the participation side of this is almost done. Most everything is automated with the option of getting more if you want to. All you as a leader need to do is click twice.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Mistress Collisto.1546

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 03:57 AM

I'm missing something here, and If I am I am assuming others are also... Where is the "Click Claim"?  Might be a dumb question, maybe I am the only one missing it. :/   I will then pass this on to the few people I have that WvW and see if we can get them to tag up more.

Mistress Collisto|Molly Oakenheart|Lena Andersdotter|Heather Jones
Guild Leader of [JADE]


Commander sscripko.5387
   Member of Archangels Haven

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 08:29 AM

On the homepage, right below the trailer is a table with the different bls, and eb.  It should show "Claim Lead" as a button directly below each one.  (Or at least it does on my computer)


Archangels Haven [HALO] - WvW Command Team. Purchaser of the Golems. TS Administrator.


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 08:40 AM

It's built to allow logged in users to see who's actively commanding out there right now. You know our Friday meetings? This would be an awesome way of displaying who is where.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 08:57 AM

The claim lead buttons will only show for players marked as a commander.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 11:45 AM

Running final tests on participation and Commendations system. If all goes well ill have it all live tonight. First raffle will be next sunday. Prizes for:

Commander Item Award - exchangeable for siege weapons - Given to a random WvW Commander who claimed leadership during the past week.

Silver Item Awards - exchangeable for exotic items - Given to 1 Random member who has logged in during the past 7 days, 1 Random participant who claimed participation,  1 random leader who scheduled an event on the SOR calendar.

Starting Next Month I have plans to give 2 Gold Item Awards exchangeable for a full set of Exotic Armor to 1 random leader and 1 participant over the past month.

As I learned with the Great Tyrian Adventure loot motivates a lot of people. Let's light a fire under This server and do something nobody else does. We need something unique to attract new guilds and players here. This is just step 1.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 03:28 PM

We need to ensure we announce this to the masses at the meeting on Friday.

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/19/2014 at 03:45 PM

I will walk everyone through it and encourage the use of it for the rollover night events. 

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander sscripko.5387
   Member of Archangels Haven

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 09:45 AM

Seemed to work just fine when I used it last night.  Any chance we can add a line below current commander "X participants currently attending" or something to that effect?  Would love to know how many people out of the group following me signed up on the site (other than the 6 who left comments)


Archangels Haven [HALO] - WvW Command Team. Purchaser of the Golems. TS Administrator.


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 10:46 AM

Won't be automatically updating but I can certainly do something ;). Don't want to put unnecessary strain on the server. Want to keep things fast.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander sscripko.5387
   Member of Archangels Haven

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 10:51 AM

I wanted it mostly so that I don't keep pinging the codeline if everyone there are basically signed up.  If there are say 19 on me (as there was last night for most of the night), and 13 have already signed up on the website, chances are good that everyone who will sign up, already has done so.


Archangels Haven [HALO] - WvW Command Team. Purchaser of the Golems. TS Administrator.


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 11:13 AM

I see 12 on your event last night.  Same with Xivor's. The good thing about spamming that every few minutes is that it gets the code to register for this site out and encourages people to use this site frequently. I'll be spamming every 15 minutes on Thursday as well. 


P.S. Also fixed the bug you uncovered and didn't even know Xivor ;). 

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander sscripko.5387
   Member of Archangels Haven

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 11:24 AM

Wait, you mean that you are supposed to check to see if there is an actual message length to add the comment to my profile?  Heretic!


Next thing you'll want to escape out clauses so I can't be little Johnny Drop tables anymore.




Archangels Haven [HALO] - WvW Command Team. Purchaser of the Golems. TS Administrator.


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 11:58 AM

FYI, all comments automatically show on a person's profile before that commander has the ability to select to display them or not. 

I like the system. What I do is I add the TS Info with my current TS channel to my chat spam, and I spam out the whole blurb every few minutes. It worked well last night, and I am certain that between the three commanders we had run, we definitely got a few new members on the website. Exposure is good. By increasing our servers participation and displaying it, guilds looking for a transfer may see our activity, our system, like it, and choose to move here. Win-win situation if we utilize this. 

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 12:34 PM

Can we add a way to see our past pickup events when we view our normal Calendar events? I commanded past the duration I originally set up on the site, and I came back to try and modify it, but I had no place to modify my current pickup event to accurately reflect the true duration. 

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 01:53 PM

Xivor: It's not tied to the actual Event System. I created a dropdown so that as we move forward I can link your past weeks to your event listings that are recurring. When you click "Claim Lead" on the homepage you can set the allocated time. I usually set it for 30 minutes past my scheduled time. At the end of your event just click "End Event" to timestamp when you stepped off the field. This way you keep the bonus points for the difference between the PPT when you started and the PPT when you ended.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 02:31 PM

Gotcha,  As is the case with most commanders, I far exceeded my planned duration, lol.  I will be more conscious of my planning next time! I know you intend to do a Commander Leader Board.  When you do that, maybe a simple click on the Commander's name can bring a popup with all their raids sortable in the past 30/60/90 days, maybe?  Maybe I am asking too much.  I am really big into stats, numbers, tracking, etc.  It helps me see trends and create versatile, doable long-term goals!


Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/21/2014 at 03:32 PM

All part of the master plan xivor ;). Trust me, I don't do anything half-assed ;) I'm all in or nothing.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/22/2014 at 10:58 AM

Leader Statistics now plugged into the player profile. Next up award badges for leadership & participation.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/26/2014 at 12:32 PM

I have moved the raffle to 5PM PDT, the start of the rollover meeting. Also working on a way of logging the top Leaders & Participants for each week and highlight them somewhere :).

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 05/26/2014 at 04:03 PM

Thanks for everything, Fog!  I, for one, am greatly appreciative! I will be more active next week; just investing more time into the family and my PvE guildies while this season comes to a close. I hope to use it a lot!

Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander kittybock.5683
   Member of Primal Fury

Replied On: 05/28/2014 at 11:38 AM

You know, this is why we came here.  ;)   Okay, maybe not, but it is an interesting project.  It may take a bit to remember to log in--once we are out of Time-out--but we will give it a try.  I am a total geek at heart, so I'm interested to see this put through its paces.

» Edited on: 2014-05-28 12:31:32


Commander Kittaene
Guild Leader, Primal Fury

Commander Kittaene 80 Guard/ Kittaene 80 Warrior/ Kittybock 80 Ele/ Kittarnia 80 Ranger/ Kittienne 35 Mesmer


Commander crash.2897
   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/31/2014 at 11:03 AM

Is there a way to find out a passcode (or for the commander at least to do so) for an event in the past?  For example, I ran two of Kitty's events today and only got the passcode for the second one.


P.S. Kitty is awesome and I look forward to running with her as commander more.


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/31/2014 at 11:33 AM

Nope. You can only get the code during the event. Everything goes into the history books 24 hours after the event and claiming is no longer possible. 

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander crash.2897
   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 05/31/2014 at 12:05 PM

Note to self to bug people for the codes and note to commanders to give people the codes while the event is still going on.


Commander sscripko.5387
   Member of Archangels Haven

Replied On: 05/31/2014 at 12:58 PM

I always try to put the codes both into the TS chat, as well as map chat.  That way when the event is finished, everyone has the code to enter onto the site.  Seems to work better.


Archangels Haven [HALO] - WvW Command Team. Purchaser of the Golems. TS Administrator.


Commander Little Wise Owl.6795
   Member of Perfectionists Cult

Replied On: 06/01/2014 at 08:10 PM

This is great!  I look forward to putting this to use!  My schedule should start to open up a little more in the coming weeks! 


Commander xivor.8754
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 06/02/2014 at 05:45 PM

I have been really putting this system out there, but several people have had concerns that when claiming "roaming", their Points are not as high as if they claim a BL.  Is this balanced?  I almost never stay in one map, but it doesnt seem like it would be accurately competative if its not balanced.  I am not sure HOW to balance this out, honestly.


Combat Medic Barbie | Mist Walker Barbie | Rigor Mortis Barbie

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 06/02/2014 at 06:27 PM

Atm I have it total ppt /3. That's all 4 maps / 3. Think about this long term. If we regain our forces and end up with multiple commanders on the field at the same time you will see 300 and 400 ppt / 3. Roaming will become a small group thing again because a large group won't be able to travel without queues. Roaming was designed as a support role to the full time commanders on each of the maps. You benefit more when working with others. 145 per borderland, 260 for eb. 695 ppt possible. So if we are flawless a roamer would earn 231 points per tick whereas the leader on the border would only get 145. So this system as it stands now would benefit roamer more when working with bl commanders.

I have though about doing /2 but then in the event that we have a Commander on each map they would be earnings quite a bit more than the commanders maintaining the bls.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 06/03/2014 at 11:37 AM

Some Calculations For You:

If we have 1 commander on each borderlands and EB maintaining a +100 PPT average. Each commander on those Borderlands would get 100 Points. The Roaming unit however would get 400/3 = 133 Points as it stands right now.

If I was to reduce it to Total PPT / 2 they would get 200 Points where all the other dedicated map leaders would be getting 100. 

This is the dilemma i'm battling. A 10 man group that wanders aimlessly around the maps and offers little to no support could potentially get more points than a dedicated group fighting their butts off to maintain the ppt. Without making this overly complicated Roaming groups are going to be an anomaly that we have to adjust over time. In time I might be able to build a system that reduces their point value by the population distribution and other commanders on various maps but for now this simple calculation is the best I got.

We can either to Total PPT / 3 or Total PPT / 2. With us rebuilding atm /2 may be op here soon enough. 

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander kittybock.5683
   Member of Primal Fury

Replied On: 06/03/2014 at 12:06 PM

I have tried utilizing this both ways.  I am not sure which to claim at times.  I generally start on Home BL, then jump to another to take, but have to return Home for "maintenance."  A few stay on voice as sentry to call us back--then we do double duty.  I think this is simply because the team is stretched a little thin, for the moment.   I'd claimed our BL twice, when there was a lot to do, then later went back to roaming, when we had someone else that could cover home map.  Those of us Roaming are also handling the Home map, which is why I'd asked the other day about the point breakdown. 

Today, I just claimed Roaming, which actually ended out being mainly home map, as we were a little short of team across the board, but thanks to those that worked with us :)  You guys rock!

ps.  I have been trying to give out my codes more often.


Commander Kittaene
Guild Leader, Primal Fury

Commander Kittaene 80 Guard/ Kittaene 80 Warrior/ Kittybock 80 Ele/ Kittarnia 80 Ranger/ Kittienne 35 Mesmer


Commander kimchifubo.7980
   Member of Ground ZërO

Replied On: 06/03/2014 at 12:33 PM

Usually when ZERO is raiding we map hop a lot so should we claim lead in roaming? Is there a limit on how many people can be participating in the roaming group?



Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 06/03/2014 at 01:31 PM

Yes, if you are not staying on 1 map claim roaming. There's no limit to group sizes. All of my events are roaming and I roll 40-60 deep. We do our best to maintain all 3 borderlands at the same time.

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 01/09/2015 at 04:06 PM

Now with video!

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 08/25/2015 at 04:28 PM

Bumping for the new guilds of Sanctum of Rall


Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]


   Member of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 08/26/2015 at 09:15 AM

Wohooo yeah!!!

Commanders on deck!!! Be sure ima be there recording you for Commanders on Tape!!!

Be sure to make your events on the forum and pm me in or in FB so i can be there and record the glory!!!!!


-Greenstone "Big Green Guy" / Richard Ryder "The Crimson Nutcase" / Viridis Caedo " Green Death" / Walla Quilcai Tuta "Necro Inka"

"Wars Come And Go, But My Soldiers Stay Eternal"

"In Hood We Trust"


Commander Foghladha.2506
   Site Admin of Gaiscioch na Rall

Replied On: 07/18/2018 at 05:02 PM

Bumping for new folk

Benjamin Foghladha
Community Manager,
Founder and Activities Director, The Gaiscioch Family [GSCH]



Replied On: 10/19/2018 at 06:49 PM

Awesome! Doing my Halloween farm to buy a tag and get started using this feature! Thanks for the motivation!


Commander Aleron.6357
   Member of Chariot of Fire

Replied On: 06/07/2020 at 03:58 PM

Hey Fog! Is this still active?

Guild Leader of Chariot of Fire [FIRE]

This site is a Gaiscioch Production with the support of the Sanctum of Rall server community. Site Produced by Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley [Foghladha.2506].
This site was built to commemorate and honor the life of Roger "Oldroar" Rall. It is open to the community but under constant moderation. Any use of this site which is deemed unbecoming of an honorable community member is strictly prohibited. No trolling, no trash talking, no bashing, no swearing. Please keep this site open, friendly and welcoming to all members of the Sanctum of Rall server community.

The contents of this site are Copyright © 2012-2024 by: Benjamin Foley. All Rights Reserved