Feb. 13, 2025
3:03 AM MSK
Feb. 13, 2025
11:03 AM AEDT
Feb. 13, 2025
1:03 PM NZDT
Feb. 12, 2025
4:03 PM PST
Feb. 12, 2025
6:03 PM CST
New York
Feb. 12, 2025
7:03 PM EST
Feb. 13, 2025
12:03 AM GMT

Fractal Explorers of Sanctum of Rall

Browse 5,033 Members: | By Alpha: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z | By Playstyle:
SoR Name Guild
Commander Zanos.8913 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 16,820 0 5,716 64 100
Commander Redvy.4812 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 36,222 0 5,521 20 100
Commander Glacius.4987 Strike Force [SF] 0 6,501 0 2,967 80 100
Commander Kitty.6219 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 226,870 0 1,209 55 100
Commander Danteblade.1308 Strike Force [SF] 0 16,400 0 2,347 53 100
Commander Elrithium.4015 Ecto Nightmare [ecto] 0 36,652 0 1,228 37 100
Commander Lahrun.3704 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 4,307 0 349 68 100
Commander Nalgorath.2083 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 13,452 4,781 51 10,000 68 100
Commander Mikaq.7102 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 9,584 26,655 10 1,043 80 100
Commander Arnout.7894 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 12,829 114,152 8 2,276 68 100
Commander Jay RF.8407 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 1,153 278,720 7 1,359 53 100
Commander Ezekiel.7619 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 247,613 0 3,154 50 100
Douchette.2756 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 5,915 0 135 51 100
Commander Luckster.4076 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 35,670 0 272 39 100
Commander Ugluk.2591 9,735 6,791 11 2,093 80 100
Commander static.1743 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 19,685 0 9,338 38 100
Commander Chaos Ftw.5318 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 135,020 5,133 43 9,779 80 100
Commander Inspirational memories.2506 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 1,313 54 100
Commander Taygeta.9124 Strike Force [SF] 0 0 0 3,727 80 100
Commander Keyden.1642 Strike Force [SF] 0 8,842 0 1,187 58 100
Commander CattivoUomo.7198 0 13,560 0 10,000 80 100
ZeruS.8916 Just Stay [CALM] 0 19,731 0 1,173 12 100
Commander Fab.7064 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 859 45 100
Commander Dallandra.8563 Just Stay [CALM] 0 14,466 0 2,348 9 100
Commander Shin.7692 Horde Leo [MUSA] 0 1,526 0 972 80 100
Commander Dopie.5130 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 44,598 0 3,816 67 100
OokamiKawaii.1750 Just Stay [CALM] 0 8,457 0 852 65 100
Commander Xendox.5081 Strike Force [SF] 0 669 0 1,492 48 100
Commander Salbiscuit.6901 Technicolor Broadcast [NEON] 0 0 0 2,818 57 100
Commander Danzig.5874 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 8,327 0 326 61 100
Commander eric.4203 Strike Force [SF] 0 11,943 0 3,365 80 100
Commander ssloth.8301 Just Stay [CALM] 0 15,381 0 553 80 100
Commander Styles.7469 Northgard [NG] 0 426 0 3,267 47 100
Commander expandas.7051 0 0 0 4,150 80 100
Commander dani.4398 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 68,561 0 4,074 80 100
jarot.5024 Just Stay [CALM] 0 9,518 0 530 16 100
Commander Introspect.7543 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 0 2,189 0 2,933 61 100
Snowcone.8124 0 0 0 68 51 100
Commander Cypher.3570 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 3,008 0 5,620 80 100
Commander VeNG.6047 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 0 3,895 0 1,767 55 100
Commander Glouglous.3296 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 0 4,200 0 3,245 80 100
Commander SIGfigures.1784 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 0 1,358 0 4,360 68 100
Commander Keldash.3602 Just Stay [CALM] 0 4,216 0 5,925 80 100
Commander Naemi.1042 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 0 114,747 0 5,551 50 100
Commander B Rad.5416 Strike Force [SF] 0 2,122 0 580 80 100
Commander MokoToko.6890 Galatis [GAL] 0 14,151 0 5,122 21 100
Commander Saern.5619 Strike Force [SF] 0 914 0 2,243 80 100
TheBomb.8190 0 8,418 0 98 20 100
Commander Barry Elite.6139 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 707 0 864 51 100
Jinxxy.9612 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 0 0 114 34 100
Geyser.8190 0 4,829 0 57 21 100
Commander Sansania.8569 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 6,129 0 10,000 52 100
tekamus.2794 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 12,878 0 118 38 100
Commander Fuyunet.8497 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 7,310 0 3,678 70 100
Commander Euphorio.7293 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 2,755 80 100
Commander Gnada.3016 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 4,226 0 2,173 32 100
Commander Prowler.9150 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 1,461 80 100
Commander Jeeh.1285 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 2,434 0 7,322 80 100
Commander tom.5804 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 5,318 0 9,595 80 100
Commander NikoNewells.3509 0 0 0 1,724 80 100
Commander Treze.1975 0 0 0 210 27 100
Thenhow.4075 0 0 0 87 28 100
Commander Azurene.4079 Chariot of Fire [FIRE] 0 108 0 2,727 72 100
Commander Blaize.7056 Grave Dancers [GD] 197 0 0 6,986 21 100
Commander Kazgrim.5271 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 3,959 647 2 4,733 11 100
scintilla.4713 0 0 0 1,691 31 100
Commander BrosephStalin.3657 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 66,809 3,504 14 2,507 0 99
Foechuckle.8632 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 4,094 0 99
Commander Arioch.6507 Technicolor Broadcast [NEON] 0 9,274 0 1,523 51 98
Commander Tubalz.9831 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 74,224 0 18 1,122 46 98
Commander Ceribis.8104 0 3,440 0 1,252 20 97
Commander Atomix.7053 Azyotona Gaming [ATG] 0 0 0 798 80 97
Acklin.7912 Northgard [NG] 242 63,345 1 1,101 62 95
XxlocuraxX.1356 The Mystic Crusaders [TMC] 0 0 0 777 71 95
Commander Erron.5327 Horde Leo [MUSA] 4,622 0 13 1,187 37 94
Commander UDIE.6458 Strike Force [SF] 0 10,846 0 1,632 0 94
Commander RSVPanda.2897 Just Stay [CALM] 0 13,022 0 608 51 94
Commander shatteringglass.3974 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 51,694 0 4,557 41 94
Commander TwistaFate.7451 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 2,457 0 894 80 94
Thairyn.6821 Visceral Rising [vR] 0 13,696 0 5,429 46 93
Commander Shadechidna.9153 Galatis [GAL] 0 12,672 0 440 57 93
Commander LunarWolf.1548 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 11,659 80,337 13 4,172 80 92
Commander Synora.8974 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 0 0 3,001 45 92
Elonith.9734 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 29,884 0 1,786 80 92
YERKO.5947 0 0 0 855 64 91
Commander Pookha.7651 Harbingers of Light [HoL] 9,714 1,114 18 1,844 11 89
Commander Soxx.1264 Technicolor Broadcast [NEON] 0 360 0 3,434 23 88
Commander Vanishing Shadows.3578 Ecto Nightmare [ecto] 56,297 64,584 44 2,881 80 87
Commander Darwin Iznang.1342 0 4,872 0 4,324 80 87
Commander QueensFool.2045 Strike Force [SF] 0 11,899 0 3,644 0 87
Commander Venice.7829 Just Stay [CALM] 0 12,249 0 2,193 37 84
Commander Brainless.6487 Strike Force [SF] 0 0 0 1,466 45 81
Xavier Eledhwen.6901 Fellowship of Wizards [FoW] 0 99,017 0 750 2 80
Commander Seraphyel.6043 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 674 80 80
Commander Zetsumeii.7629 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 651 62 79
Commander cyraeth.1460 0 4,735 0 250 44 78
Commander Bionarchy.6783 0 8,545 0 719 11 78
Commander Naveras.2905 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 59,664 0 575 22 77
Commander Redbull.6451 Strike Force [SF] 0 4,200 0 1,319 15 77
Commander UnrelentedNovelty.8497 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 2,244 0 360 17 76
Commander Llyweln.3078 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 32,306 0 410 1 75
Commander SnowHawk.3615 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 2,088 87,522 5 963 80 75
Commander Serenity.6578 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 3,282 0 1,265 66 74
Commander Seasniffer.1763 Strike Force [SF] 8,846 4,344 31 2,883 55 74
Commander hawkeward.7631 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 65,218 0 3,079 35 74
Commander Savato.9182 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 13,044 0 1,247 8 72
Tpeyra.7420 0 40,430 0 160 7 69
Commander Hippos.1849 Strike Force [SF] 0 21,706 0 1,845 40 69
Commander Zenady.4862 0 0 0 2,328 20 68
Commander Yobam.3078 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 380 87,791 3 1,327 12 67
GoldButter.3201 Just Stay [CALM] 0 5,712 0 1,176 23 64
Commander TheSun.4321 Galatis [GAL] 74,690 1,874 24 2,409 34 63
Commander CTR.4356 Just Stay [CALM] 3,501 8,955 5 388 26 63
Commander etiolate.9185 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 358 0 3,890 66 63
Commander kyro.8162 EPIC [EPIC] 0 0 0 658 40 61
Aether.3718 Northgard [NG] 1,443 25,790 4 1,145 21 61
Commander Sess.2785 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 261,327 0 2,344 34 60
Commander Hunting.7615 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 0 0 0 4,000 55 59
Commander a tiny fishie.2896 0 2,510 0 3,653 38 59
Commander Valde Aquila.2039 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 15,659 0 934 14 59
Commander Strykker.8716 Mercenaries For Hîre [HELP] 0 0 0 546 35 58
Commander Amawyn.1925 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 2,295 0 10,000 1 58
Commander Dafortminor.4802 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 5,318 0 2,331 48 58
Commander hugestick.7681 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 5,195 57 58
Commander Venom.1380 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 313,201 0 1,748 32 57
Sage.3956 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 7,841 0 270 13 57
boondocksaint.6529 0 0 0 403 22 55
Commander riverrhyne.9751 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 63,101 0 1,314 25 54
Commander Tegan.1850 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 5,292 33,481 3 2,741 80 54
Commander Dharkon.6481 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 140,300 0 2,811 80 53
Commander Goldrick.6209 We Immortals Live Dangerously [WILD] 0 0 0 514 58 53
Commander jamesdolla.3954 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 8,078 0 10,000 76 52
Lillien Dae.1754 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 68,474 0 1,432 49 51
Commander amibritain.4591 Trok Daddy Recurrig [TROK] 10,273 0 3 1,096 39 51
Commander Kplitt.3968 Mercenaries For Hîre [HELP] 0 18,257 0 687 17 50
Commander Nabrok.9023 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 2,396 0 4,810 80 50
Commander Briseadh.7386 0 6,822 0 401 5 49
Commander Dezarys.1372 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 17,460 0 10 3,333 80 49
Commander DarthBahnkey.2673 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 26,508 0 559 49 48
Commander Axiom.9742 Trok Daddy Recurrig [TROK] 0 9,368 0 2,420 30 48
Commander Alderno.7649 0 9,154 0 2,345 15 47
Commander Shadow Miracle.8093 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 0 0 0 10,000 80 47
Commander Clovercubed.3071 Echoes of Blood and Fire [RED] 1,358 0 2 2,828 32 45
Empacher.1082 0 2,413 0 147 10 45
Commander Lynnanine.1652 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 19,288 84,199 5 396 20 45
Imoen Ventrue.8154 Dorlach Sgaath [DS] 0 1,608 0 704 24 44
Commander alacritythief.9756 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 339,792 1,337 67 3,441 35 44
Commander Rampage.7145 Violent Resolution [VR] 13,040 0 14 10,000 80 44
deadordying.2935 Just Stay [CALM] 0 8,844 0 825 33 43
Commander redfang.4912 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 33,151 0 947 80 43
Commander illhyria.7461 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 131,301 0 1,531 66 42
Commander qaftsiel.3784 We Immortals Live Dangerously [WILD] 0 9,077 0 304 0 42
Commander zhonnika.1784 0 7,538 0 3,975 32 42
alys.7940 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 22,928 0 2,445 0 42
Commander kayoszx.7958 Strike Force [SF] 80 665 0 1,266 61 41
Commander Alex Legend.4850 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 0 827 0 746 21 41
Commander Sputnix.4059 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 0 7,689 0 7,036 35 40
Commander LightBrave.5638 Just Stay [CALM] 0 58,254 0 4,464 36 40
Commander YourPal Wolfah.3825 0 0 0 1,321 31 39
Commander koko.4836 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 13,729 0 2,261 30 38
Commander alariell.3104 Trok Daddy Recurrig [TROK] 0 12,034 0 394 40 38
Commander Mysteriax.6049 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 0 0 1,519 54 38
Commander Bantha.6453 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 10,830 0 5,797 6 37
Commander Cabinet.8037 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 216 0 6,327 80 37
Harakael.5830 Vigilance [VIG] 0 21,388 0 489 50 36
boomie.5614 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 7,622 0 639 27 35
exanimo.8043 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 48,172 0 3,898 80 34
Commander Triopp.4870 Just Stay [CALM] 23,585 5,221 41 5,821 53 33
Commander Bears Man.4896 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 808 25,727 0 346 8 32
Commander Crawhawk.1258 Strike Force [SF] 0 6,160 0 3,303 53 31
Commander AstroAA.4729 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 1,872 0 423 13 31
Commander Soren.9316 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 75 89,696 2 500 36 30
Commander Cbgolem.3802 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 574 0 4,992 51 30
Killerguy Person.8724 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 292 53 29
Jake.8639 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 364 8 29
Commander Balor.8405 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 5,182 9,372 17 333 59 27
Commander Warlord.9074 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 358 0 6,816 80 27
Commander PRiSMATiK.9637 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 31,813 0 4,369 80 26
Ezra.1937 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 10,889 0 506 1 26
Commander BOKI.7214 Spectral Legion Gaming [SL] 0 210,317 0 2,493 31 26
auntiewitch.5629 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 2,480 0 694 49 24
Commander abasedfear.6051 0 115,331 0 2,035 51 23
Commander Dark Sorcerer.6420 The Paladines [PROT] 0 30,930 0 335 54 23
Commander Player.9621 Northgard [NG] 0 56,345 0 687 1 23
Commander EagleTalon.5736 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 0 0 976 8 22
Jamzama.3169 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 38,810 0 233 1 21
Commander Maleficent.5816 0 5,404 0 2,191 18 21
MaxwellM.2075 0 2,096 0 337 10 20
Commander Aleron.6357 Chariot of Fire [FIRE] 108 18,310 0 4,587 7 20
Commander Ragemonkeyonroids.7941 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 2,511 0 2,031 17 20
Allister Orluna.2798 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 0 0 27 9 20
Commander Hanamichi.3681 Bellicose Banana Club [Bana] 0 0 0 1,146 7 20
Commander tatsuchi.8135 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 1,322 58 19
Propah Bustin.6708 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 755 31 19
NickL.9421 Northgard [NG] 0 12,587 0 630 17 18
Commander Airomatren.6185 1,792 10,925 1 609 14 18
Commander GmaFoghladha.1853 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 95,326 0 583 12 17
Commander PeanutBritta.8043 Galatis [GAL] 0 30,890 0 615 15 17
Commander Drew.8042 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 1,060 0 1 855 21 17
Shyllios.9406 0 0 0 13 11 17
Commander poperdood.3286 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 5,870 0 311 42 17
Commander bucthree.7301 Spectral Legion Gaming [SL] 991 22,955 4 634 34 16
Commander shakabam.7856 0 0 0 3,038 70 16
Zhaeli.5416 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 65,441 0 207 6 16
Commander Iron Monkey.8953 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 0 3,228 0 2,920 41 16
Kage Shukuun.6381 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 11,763 0 28 5 15
Commander Laric.7459 Just Stay [CALM] 0 5,168 0 461 68 15
Commander Deificus.5864 0 10,540 0 422 19 14
Commander xivor.8754 25,754 31,350 50 1,234 13 14
Commander Tempoop.1680 Horde Leo [MUSA] 0 2,628 0 1,457 38 14
Commander wrightech.1694 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 358 42,424 0 479 1 14
Commander BlancoPadre.5749 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 76,051 0 3,094 11 14
holyDEMON.5189 0 985 0 42 69 13
Commander Helion.7846 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 2,076 40 13
Commander securegeek.7952 Strike Force [SF] 0 782 0 5,013 31 13
Commander Sky Fell.7604 0 4,396 0 1,471 36 12
Commander Koman.7064 Strike Force [SF] 0 9,101 0 3,407 80 12
Commander Warhawk.1038 Strike Force [SF] 0 19,864 0 2,948 5 12
Commander Kent.7865 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 57,075 0 2,311 15 12
Parak.9165 Strike Force [SF] 0 3,340 0 2,876 2 12
Commander Abbienormal.2690 Order of the Whispering Jade [OTWJ] 0 838 0 188 21 12
Keyni.8940 The Mystic Crusaders [TMC] 0 0 0 91 54 12
Commander Vash.9183 Perpetually Mad and Angry [PMA] 0 875 0 8,343 80 12
Commander Blackarps.1974 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 7,739 0 7,724 0 12
Commander Bradius.6025 We Immortals Live Dangerously [WILD] 0 19,957 0 1,474 0 11
Ruby.7960 Strike Force [SF] 0 5,384 0 2,538 80 11
Commander Swedemon.4670 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 246 22,261 0 2,284 20 11
Commander Kibbs.1678 Just Stay [CALM] 0 58,525 0 3,697 3 11
Commander dbill.7483 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 40,245 0 3,630 58 11
Commander Corpsetaker.7104 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 4,428 0 139 5 10
Commander NiIVNi.2695 We Immortals [WILD] 0 26,132 0 2,338 80 10
Commander Achhuet.1703 Strike Force [SF] 0 8,743 0 4,569 23 10
Commander CaraExas.8367 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 9,650 0 1,755 60 10
Commander RedneckSOD.7689 0 0 0 994 12 10
Commander salmas.1980 Just Stay [CALM] 0 26,223 0 3,195 15 9
Kuzma Volkov.6137 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 0 0 24 14 9
Raven.3498 Northgard [NG] 0 23,923 0 1,361 13 8
Commander alanbessa.8563 0 21,181 0 2,291 37 7
Commander AyAyRon.5412 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 64 7,625 1 1,016 41 7
Commander Atmosphere.7451 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 0 1,535 0 309 2 7
MachineManXX.9746 Just Stay [CALM] 0 4,979 0 1,527 72 6
Commander Patterns.9067 Organised Crime Syndicate [SYN] 0 19,357 0 5,407 22 6
Commander XfightaX.5947 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 0 0 3,505 64 6
Commander JackPineSavage.1982 Galatis [GAL] 478 30,363 1 571 9 5
Commander Kyle.6894 Northgard [NG] 30,753 3,838 28 1,454 21 5
Commander argylesox.9325 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 99,933 0 3,545 1 5
Fizzlestyx.9013 Chariot of Fire [FIRE] 0 0 0 287 1 5
Commander klove.4980 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 345,067 0 2,226 4 4
Commander Jamescl.5980 Disciples of Omen [OMEN] 674 3,492 0 174 15 4
Commander Dashielle.7135 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 1,667 13 4
Commander Pjmisz.4915 Strike Force [SF] 0 7,947 0 1,310 20 4
Commander denniscardinal.7259 0 0 0 532 5 4
Site Admin Commander Foghladha.2506 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 198,816 4,188 375 2,002 17 3
deffecko.4289 0 0 0 15 11 3
Commander hidrOxi.7082 Northgard [NG] 4,461 7,899 10 935 5 3
Lambo.5364 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 358 0 1,646 28 3
GorilazMan.8407 0 0 0 171 7 3
Donaliam.8325 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 80,952 0 728 0 2
Dunnar.8420 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 1,911 0 75 9 2
Commander Xattu.1982 Just Stay [CALM] 0 0 0 2,207 18 2
Commander Mac.6045 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 61,181 0 4,322 16 2
Commander Aideya.9065 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 9,642 0 469 9 2
Commander sikooovision.5947 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 11,380 0 1,651 18 2
Site Admin Commander Izzy.7624 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 103,112 0 383 2 1
Commander Grolyn.2359 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 52,395 0 1,055 0 1
Commander BlackWidowSPDR.8017 Northgard [NG] 0 20,643 0 379 0 1
Stylus.8751 0 4,846 0 194 1 1
rissa.6958 Just Stay [CALM] 0 2,441 0 921 8 1
Commander ChaosReigns.8236 Just Stay [CALM] 0 5,049 0 1,649 2 1
Commander Relch.6175 Esoteric Alliance [eXa] 0 32,067 0 558 40 1
Commander kayla.5218 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 10,581 0 2,943 14 1
Ryouth.8657 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 8,707 0 85 9 1
Correnaro.6957 Mercenaries For Hîre [HELP] 0 0 0 86 12 1
TheMuffinMan.6291 0 9,953 0 889 1 1
OriusKhan.6458 Principality of New Katulus [PiNK] 0 3,277 0 230 1 1
Commander Diru.6038 Violent Resolution [VR] 0 10,614 0 1,829 6 1
Mistwarden.4168 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 0 0 2 1 1
Commander lightrose.7428 Gaiscioch na Rall [GSCH] 0 0 0 23 1 1
Commander Drevarr.9458 Flux Capacity [FLUX] 0 121,107 0 3,283 1 1
Commander SeanSolo.1395 Chariot of Fire [FIRE] 0 0 0 525 18 1
ChristheShadox.8261 0 0 0 4 0 1
HeroL.5471 Adventures In The Myst [Myst] 0 1,985 0 1,507 1 1
Nisis.9815 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 36,828 0 84 1 1
DrBolt.4180 Every Victor Immortality Lair [EVIL] 0 0 0 14 9 1

This site is a Gaiscioch Production with the support of the Sanctum of Rall server community. Site Produced by Benjamin "Foghladha" Foley [Foghladha.2506].
This site was built to commemorate and honor the life of Roger "Oldroar" Rall. It is open to the community but under constant moderation. Any use of this site which is deemed unbecoming of an honorable community member is strictly prohibited. No trolling, no trash talking, no bashing, no swearing. Please keep this site open, friendly and welcoming to all members of the Sanctum of Rall server community.

The contents of this site are Copyright © 2012-2025 by: Benjamin Foley. All Rights Reserved